해결 안된 질문

고수님들 저좀 도와 주세요.ㅠㅠ
추천 수 ( 0 )얼마전 메일 오더를 했는데 이런 멜이 왔네요.
제가 영어는 전혀 잼뱅이라..... 무슨 말인지 전혀 모르겠네요.
아시는분 해석좀 부탁드립니다.
Thank you for your order.
Shipping your order will cost the following:
US MAIL Airmail Parcel Post with Insurance is $45.00.
Package will reach you in 6-12 business days.
US MAIL Global Express Mail™ (EMS) with Insurance is $50.00.
Package will reach you in 3-5 business days.
Thanks again for your order and we look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Customer Service
1-888-4-BikeBuy (1-888-424-5328)
Fax: 1-631-673-2220
제가 영어는 전혀 잼뱅이라..... 무슨 말인지 전혀 모르겠네요.
아시는분 해석좀 부탁드립니다.
Thank you for your order.
Shipping your order will cost the following:
US MAIL Airmail Parcel Post with Insurance is $45.00.
Package will reach you in 6-12 business days.
US MAIL Global Express Mail™ (EMS) with Insurance is $50.00.
Package will reach you in 3-5 business days.
Thanks again for your order and we look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Customer Service
1-888-4-BikeBuy (1-888-424-5328)
Fax: 1-631-673-2220
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