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lake tahoe

cliff2002.10.31 17:45조회 수 1149추천 수 9댓글 0

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Tahoe에 다녀 오셨군요. ^^
도로 총 연장은 80mile 정도 됩니다. 주로 South tahoe에서 시작해서
시계 방향으로 돌게 되지요. incline village를 지나면 좀 재미가 없어집니다.
그쪽은 호수가 거의 보이지 않거든요.
한바퀴를 다 돌려면 약 5시간에서 6시간정도(장시간 라이딩에 익숙한 경우)
Tahoe는 세번 갔었는데, 아직 자전거로 투어는 해보지 않았습니다.
다음에 가게되면 사진을 올려드리겠습니다.
첨부한 사진처럼 겨울에 heavenly 스키장에서 tahoe를 내려다 보면서
스키를 타는 것도 "환상"적입니다.

아래는 Tahoe에 관한 일반적인 사항입니다.

+++++++++++++++++Lake Tahoe Facts ++++++++++++++++++++
Natural rim:
6223' above sea level. (1866m)

High lake level:
The lake was over its maximum level for 13 days in January.

Surface Area:
193 square miles, 22 miles long(35km), 12 wide(19km).

71 miles. (113km)

122,160,280 acre feet of water.

Maximum=1,685, (500m)

Surface temperature:
41-68 degrees, with a constant 39 degree temp below 600.

Lowest recorded level:
6221.68 in Nov. '91

· If Lake Tahoe was tipped over, its contents would over California in 14.5 inches of water, while Texas would be under 8.5 inches.

· Tahoe could provide every person in the United States with 50 gallons of water per day for five years.

· The sun shines an average of 274 days each year, but snow can fall during any month. At lake level, the area receives an average of 125 inches of snow annually. Higher elevations can receive an average of 300 to 500 inches annually.

· Lake Tahoe isn't a crater. It was formed by movement of the earth's crust and volcanic activity only sealed the end of the valley, allowing rivers and streams to fill the basin.

· On average, 1,400,000 tons of water (or 1/10th of an inch) evaporates from the lake every day.

· The evaporation alone from Tahoe over the course of one year could supply a city the size of Los Angeles for 5 years.

· It would take 300 years of severe drought for Lake Tahoe to drain significantly.

· Lake Tahoe is as long as the English Channel is wide. The Panama Canal, 700' wide and 50' deep, could be filled with Tahoe's water, even if it circled the globe at the equator, and there would still be water left over to fill a canal of the same size running from San Francisco to New York.

· Many drowning victims are never recovered from Lake Tahoe because the cold water at lower depths preserves the bodies, preventing the formation of internal gasses that would otherwise cause them to float to the surface.


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