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cliff2005.09.08 02:31조회 수 2533추천 수 23댓글 1

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Sungchang 님을 비롯하여 최근 모여서 라이딩 하신다는 글이 올라와 있군요. 아주 많이 반갑습니다. ^^
저도 다음 주 토요일부터 라이딩이 가능합니다. 조만간 모든 분들 뵙기를 바랍니다.


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Here's pics of my rides (2) (by sungchang) #6 All together (by cliff)

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댓글 1
  • Hope to meet up with you in the near future. We have a small biking group that is regularly riding on Saturday mornings. Currently we are meeting at 8am to ride Fremont Older in Cupertino. Jae has been joining us as well.
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