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이번주 토요일(15일)은?

xtr2006.04.12 15:36조회 수 2245추천 수 27댓글 1

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이번주 토요일 혹시 라이딩 계획없습니까?

비가 온다고 하지만 비온다고 산이 떠내려가는건 아닐테고...

계획있으면 연락바랍니다. 기대합니다.

의사가 운동하라고 하네요....

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  • xtr, I have a friend from Southern California visiting, so we were planning to hit Demo, but with all the rains, we had to change the trail. We will be riding at Fort Ord in Monterey/Salinas on Saturday morning. Do you want to come and join us?
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