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(GPS)조금 비싼 속도계...^^

littlefeet2003.10.23 10:29조회 수 372댓글 1

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판매는 아니고... gps에 대해 궁금해 하시는 분이 많은 거 같아 정보 한가지 올려 봅니다...

좀 비싼 속도계 수준의 가격의 gps입니다...

garmin이란 회사에서 나온건데... 국내 수입된건 비싼거 뿐이고... etrex모덜은 없습니다... 사실려면 어렵게 구해야 될껍니다...
큰 등산용품점에서 파는걸 본적도 있기는 합니다... 어딘지는... 기억이 안나내요...

역시나 악세사리로... 핸들바 마운트가 있어서... 자전거에 바로 응용 가능 하다는...^^

아마존에서... garmin etrex가 90불대, 핸들바 마운트가 24불에 판매 되고 있내요...

테크니칼 데이타... 방수에다가... 긴 베터리 수명에다가... 괜찬은 장난감이죠...? ^^;

Receiver: 12 channels
Differential ready (DGPS): Yes
Acquisition time (cold): 45 seconds
Acquisition time (warm): 15 seconds
Update rate: 1 per second, continuous
Position accuracy: 49 feet RMS
Velocity accuracy: 0.1 knots RMS steady state
Dynamics: 6 Gs
Water-resistance rating: IPX7: Protected for 30 minutes at a depth of 3.3 feet
Operating temperature range: 5.25 to 158.25 F
Interfaces: RS-232 with NMEA 0183, RTCM 104 DGPS data format, Garmin proprietary
Antenna: Internal patch
Battery life: 22 hours
Power consumption: 2.5 volts
Waypoints: 500
Track log: 10 tracks, 2000 tracklog points
Track back: Yes
Route log: 1 route with 50 waypoints
Points of interest: No
Compass screen: No
Moving-map display: No
Map storage: No
Data storage: Waypoints only
Sun/moon rise/set/phase: Yes
Additional features: Current speed, average speed, resettable maximum speed, trip timer, and trip distance
Display size: 2.1 by 1.1 inches
Display resolution: 64 x 128 pixels
Display color: 4-level gray
Backlight: Yes
Battery requirements: 2 AA batteries
Power cable: Optional
Carrying case: Optional
Vehicle mounting bracket: Optional
PC cable: Optional
Software: Optional map software available
Data card: No
Width: 2 inches
Depth: 1.2 inches
Height: 4.4 inches
Weight: 5.3 ounces
Warranty, parts: 1 year
Warranty, labor: 1 year

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  • littlefeet글쓴이
    2003.10.23 10:30 댓글추천 0비추천 0
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