신뢰가 가는 구조방식입니다.
제품사진은 락마 홈에 더 있습니다.
이하 "락마"측의 설명: 솰라솰라... 좔라좔라... 줄줄줄... 으음...ㅠㅠ
=> 광개토님... 참조하세요...
The RMX uses the ThrustLink suspension which is custom tuned to be a fully rising rate suspension, so your ride's plush and responsive at the top end of the travel, but becomes more progressive at the bottom. The swingarm is optimized to deal with mammoth impacts, and will actually flex laterally (like a ski), creating a carving motion that gets you through tight berms faster. When you ride the RMX, you'll notice a plush, responsive feel over all bump types due to the swingarm's center of mass being located so close to the main pivot.
<대충 뜻은 알겠는데...^^, 막 번역하기 보다 좀 아시는 분이 부연설명 해 주시면...>
아래사진은 락마 team rider.. 토마스 밴더햄입니다...
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