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대청봉님 켓츠아이에서 드디어 파워 LED 상용품이 나왔습니다.

treky2005.07.25 10:29조회 수 881추천 수 10댓글 0

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켓츠 아이 에서 드디어 좀 있어보이는 상용품이 나왔군요..

3개 짜리

The new Triple Shot is the brightest LED bicycle light available, and uses 3 higher power LEDs combined with Opticube technology to focus the light in front of you. It features a tough die-cast aluminum body, locking cable connectors to prevent blackouts, and unlike other high powered lights is fully compatible with CatEye wireless devices. The Triple Shot has a run time of 3.3 hours, and charges in 3 hours using the included smart charger.


  3x3 watt LEDs combined with Opticube lens  
  Smart Charger with 3 hour charge time  
  Locking cable connectors to prevent blackouts  
  Virtually indestructible  
  Produces the brightness of a 20W Halogen bulb  
  Includes both standard and oversized mounts  
  Compatible with CatEye wireless devices  

2개 짜리

The new Double Shot combines 2 higher powered LEDs, with Opticube lens technology to focus the light in front of you. It features a tough die-cast aluminum body, lightweight NiMH battery, helmet and bicycle mounts, and is fully compatible with CatEye wireless devices. The Double Shot has a run time of more than 5 hours, and charges in 3 hours with the included smart charger.


  2x3 watt LEDs combined with Opticube lens  
  Spot beam designed for helmet mounted use  
  Helmet and standard/oversized handlebar mounts  
  Virtually indestructible  
  Smart charger with 3 hour charge time  

실 가격은 어찌 되는지 잘 모르겟군요...
역시 방열때문인지 알류미늄 바디 를 쓰는군요..
근대 반사경을 안쓰고 퀄리메이터를 쓰는군요..
흠..효율이 쪼까 떨어지지 않나 싶은대??

이름때문에 쪼까 비살듯 한대...

대청봉님표 라이트가 나오길....


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