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랜스 암스트롱 우승했네요. ㅎㅎㅎ

Only2004.07.18 00:09조회 수 464댓글 0

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17 H 10 - The Top 13 In Stage 13

The top 13 in stage 13 are:
1. Lance Armstrong (USP) 205.5km in 6h04'38" (33.814km/h)
2. Ivan Basso (CSC) at st
3. Georg Totschnig (GST) at 1'05"
4. Andreas Kloden (TMO) at 1'27"
5. Francisco Mancebo (IBB) at 1'27"
6. Jan Ullrich at 2'42"
7. Jose Azevedo (USP) at 2'50"
8. Christophe Moreau (C.A) at 2'51"
9. Pietro Caucchioli (ALB) at 2'51"
10. Gilberto Simoni (SAE) at 3'43"
11. Oscar Pereiro Sio (PHO) at 4'29"
12. Stephane Goubert (A2R) at 4'29"
13. Thomas Voeckler (BLB) at 4'42"

17 H 06 - Voeckler Keeps The Yellow Jersey!
Thomas Voeckler refuses to relinguish his yellow jersey. He is still fighting for every second. He began the stage 5'24" ahead of Armstrong and has finished the stage 4'40" behind Armstrong.
He will start the 14th stage in the yellow jersey.

17 H 04 - Ullrich At The Finish...
Ullrich has finished the stage 2'41" behind Armstrong.

17 H 04 - 19th Stage Victory For Armstrong
If you could the two team time trial victories, today Lance has claimed his 19th stage win in the Tour de France.

17 H 02 - Lance Wins The Stage!
Lance decided that he wanted to win the stage and, with about 100m to to he rose from the saddle and sprinted around Ivan to win the stage!

17 H 01 - Basso Leading To The Line
Basso is leading lance with 300m to go in the stage. It looks like it will be a repeat of stage 12...

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