Warning Concerning "Freeriding"
Freeriding, hucking, dirt jumping, mountaincross, downhill, slalom. It seems that everywhere you look, from Mountain Dew® commercials to the X-Games, riders are grabbing big air and sticking sick drops. And it sure looks fun.
But what the videos and bike magazines and ads don't always tell you is that extreme riding takes an amazing amount of skill. Some of the riders you see are well-paid pros who have gradually built up their skills through endless hours of practice, and who have also had their share of stitches, concussions and busted bones (and bikes). Others are daredevils who have chosen to accept or ignore the risks. Would you allow a lawyer to say that you are so weak in the head, and have such poor judgement that you copy those you see in the media without thought of the serious risks?
The stakes are high if you screw up. Realize too late that you aren't up to the challenge, and you run the risk of major injury or even - say it with me - death, paralysis. In short, extreme riding carries a high degree of fundamental risk, and you bear the ultimate responsibility for how you ride and what you attempt to pull off.
Do you want to avoid these significant risks? Then do not ride this way.
출처 http://www.cannondale.com/bikes/tech/safety.html
캐논데일의 홈페이지에 실려있는 "Freeriding" 스타일 관련해서 있는 안전경고문입니다.
요약하자면.. 동영상이나 광고에 나오는 화려하고 멋진 움직임들을 보여주는 사람들은
엄청난 노력으로 그 경지에 오른것이거나 아니면 두려움을 잃어버린(?) 사람들이다.
이러한 라이딩 스타일은 재밌어 보일지 몰라도 매우 위험하고 심하면 죽음까지도 초래할 수
있으니.. 그 모든 위험을 감수할 자신이 없다면?
그런 방식으로 (extreme or freeride) 라이딩을 하지 마라.
Freeriding, hucking, dirt jumping, mountaincross, downhill, slalom. It seems that everywhere you look, from Mountain Dew® commercials to the X-Games, riders are grabbing big air and sticking sick drops. And it sure looks fun.
But what the videos and bike magazines and ads don't always tell you is that extreme riding takes an amazing amount of skill. Some of the riders you see are well-paid pros who have gradually built up their skills through endless hours of practice, and who have also had their share of stitches, concussions and busted bones (and bikes). Others are daredevils who have chosen to accept or ignore the risks. Would you allow a lawyer to say that you are so weak in the head, and have such poor judgement that you copy those you see in the media without thought of the serious risks?
The stakes are high if you screw up. Realize too late that you aren't up to the challenge, and you run the risk of major injury or even - say it with me - death, paralysis. In short, extreme riding carries a high degree of fundamental risk, and you bear the ultimate responsibility for how you ride and what you attempt to pull off.
Do you want to avoid these significant risks? Then do not ride this way.
출처 http://www.cannondale.com/bikes/tech/safety.html
캐논데일의 홈페이지에 실려있는 "Freeriding" 스타일 관련해서 있는 안전경고문입니다.
요약하자면.. 동영상이나 광고에 나오는 화려하고 멋진 움직임들을 보여주는 사람들은
엄청난 노력으로 그 경지에 오른것이거나 아니면 두려움을 잃어버린(?) 사람들이다.
이러한 라이딩 스타일은 재밌어 보일지 몰라도 매우 위험하고 심하면 죽음까지도 초래할 수
있으니.. 그 모든 위험을 감수할 자신이 없다면?
그런 방식으로 (extreme or freeride) 라이딩을 하지 마라.
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