꿈의 산 휘슬러에 있으시네요
MTB 동영상, 그리고 스키 동영상 속의 휘슬러 정말 가보고픈 곳인데,
무서워서 타지도 못할지도 모르지만 함 가보고 싶네요 정말....
가게 되면 연락 드릴께요 ㅎㅎㅎ
>hi je nun gun yp ni da haha...
>i'm in whistler now..
>i met the super star from here (kind of rich shlley? shon march? brian lopez, cedric gracia
>and jhon cowan ,,,, i'm not sure about spelling)
>anyway all of them 100% crazy guys.. also there are smaller than me (i'm 170cm)
>but riding is pretty nice.
>we have big race. it's called crank works in whistler canada. (2005 8 3)
>i'm missing korean rider... if u can come to whislter, plz contact me i'd like to ride bike
>with korean. i can share my room with korean for cheap.
>sorry about ugly english. (js662@hanmail.net or js662@naver.com
MTB 동영상, 그리고 스키 동영상 속의 휘슬러 정말 가보고픈 곳인데,
무서워서 타지도 못할지도 모르지만 함 가보고 싶네요 정말....
가게 되면 연락 드릴께요 ㅎㅎㅎ
>hi je nun gun yp ni da haha...
>i'm in whistler now..
>i met the super star from here (kind of rich shlley? shon march? brian lopez, cedric gracia
>and jhon cowan ,,,, i'm not sure about spelling)
>anyway all of them 100% crazy guys.. also there are smaller than me (i'm 170cm)
>but riding is pretty nice.
>we have big race. it's called crank works in whistler canada. (2005 8 3)
>i'm missing korean rider... if u can come to whislter, plz contact me i'd like to ride bike
>with korean. i can share my room with korean for cheap.
>sorry about ugly english. (js662@hanmail.net or js662@naver.com