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Hi wildbike ... this is gun from whistler

GUN2005.07.20 13:12조회 수 715댓글 0

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hi je nun gun yp ni da  haha...

i'm in whistler now..

i met the super star from here (kind of rich shlley? shon march? brian lopez, cedric gracia
and jhon cowan ,,,, i'm not sure about spelling)

anyway all of them 100% crazy guys.. also there are smaller than me (i'm 170cm)
but riding is pretty nice.

we have big race.  it's called crank works in whistler canada. (2005 8 3)

i'm missing korean rider... if u can come to whislter, plz contact me i'd like to ride bike
with korean. i can share my room  with korean for cheap.

sorry about  ugly english. (js662@hanmail.net or  js662@naver.com

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