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사진 게시판에 ebay 물건 사진을 보니..

持凜神2005.09.08 19:51조회 수 178댓글 0

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영어를 잘해야 웃을수 있나 보네요 ㅠㅠ

>갑자기 생각나서요..
>Weird Al Yankovic이라는 가수 아세요?
>그 사람의 노래 ebay(poodle hat 앨범 중..)가 생각나는 군요.. ㅋㅋ
>가사에 유의해서 들어보세요.. 정말 웃깁니다.. ㅡㅡa
>여기 클릭하시면 벅스 플레이가 됩니다.
>Ebay - Weird Al Yankovic  
>A used ... pink bathrobe
>A rare ... mint snowglobe
>A Smurf ... TV tray
>I bought on eBay
>My house ... is filled with this crap
>Shows up in bubble wrap
>Most every day
>What I bought on eBay
>Tell me why (I need another pet rock)
>Tell me why (I got that Alf alarm clock)
>Tell me why (I bid on Shatner's old toupee)
>They had it on eBay
>I'll buy ... your knick-knack
>Just check ... my feedback
>"A++!" they all say                                --> 저는 이부분이 젤 웃겨요.. ㅡㅡa
>They love me on eBay
>Gonna buy (a slightly-damaged golf bag)
>Gonna buy (some Beanie Babies, new with tag)
>(From some guy) I've never met in Norway
>Found him on eBay
>I am the type who is liable to snipe you
>With two seconds left to go, whoa
>Got Paypal or Visa, what ever'll please
>As long as I've got the dough
>I'll buy ... your tchotchkes
>Sell me ... your watch, please
>I'll buy (I'll buy, I'll buy, I'll buy ...)
>I'm highest bidder now
>(Junk keeps arriving in the mail)
>(From that worldwide garage sale) (Dukes Of Hazzard ashtray)
>(Hey! A Dukes Of Hazzard ashtray)
>Oh yeah ... (I bought it on eBay)
>Wanna buy (a PacMan Fever lunchbox)
>Wanna buy (a case on vintage tube socks)
>Wanna buy (a Kleenex used by Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre)
>(Found it on eBay)
>Wanna buy (that Farrah Fawcett poster)
>(Pez dispensers and a toaster)
>(Don't know why ... the kind of stuff you'd throw away)
>(I'll buy on eBay)
>What I bought on eBay-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y

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