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미국 후지본사와 주고받은 모든 편지내용

franthro2006.04.21 11:48조회 수 2684댓글 12

    • 글자 크기

저 혼자 본문달고, 저 혼자 댓글로 보충하느라 힘들지만, 인생은 원래 외로운 것이라고 생각하고 있습니다.  제가 지금 60만원도 채 안되는 MTB때문에 이 아까운 시간을 이렇게나 많이 허비하고 있는데요...단순히 투입대산출이나 기회비용어쩌구 하는 이론만 제가 신봉했다면 이렇게 안했겠지요.  저는 고마하고 떠나려 해도 자꾸 이 못된 자전거가 제 발목을 붙잡네요.  제가 이렇게 답답하고 속이 터지는데 가족의 목숨을 잃어버린 유족들의 심정은... 솔직히 상상이 안됩니다.  아래 편지는 미국후지본사, 대만 아이디얼사, 대만 후지바이크, 한국 후지바이크 모두가 읽을수 있도록 주고받았던 e-mail 내용입니다.  소위 <사건의 원만한 해결>과 장래 안전대책을 세우는데에 이 편지내용공개가 도움이 되었으면 합니다.  

Dear David

I got an e-mail reply in Korean from Fujibike Korea(HanKang Cycle, maybe) soon after I sent an e-mail to all of you.  I think the e-mail sender misunderstood my English.  He or She said that I insisted it was a real crack surely and he(she) was saying that I required an exchange or refund without any survey or inspection.

But, as you know, it's not true.  Fujibike korea is not only twisting the meaning of my letter but also misunderstanding my intention.  I just would like to know fair and credible process to make a judgement if it's a real crack or not.  As I told you before, I'm not sure if it's a crack.

Furthermore, Fujibike Korea posted their e-mail answer to me on their public internet website, with my name on the top of letter.  So, I cannot but open this whole e-mail correspondence to have Korean MTB riders get informed of what is going on .  Thank you.


제 글의 뜻을 왜곡하지 마시기 바랍니다.

저는 크랙이라고 단정적으로 주장하지도 않았고, 무조건 바꿔달라고 하지도 않았습니다.  크랙인지 뭔지 모를 흰색 선이 BB shell 근처 용접부위에 보이는데, 그것을 누구에게 어떤 절차로 확인하면 되겠는가를 미국후지에게 묻고 있는 것입니다.

두가지를 부탁드리겠습니다.  제가 hanmail 로 보낸 메일에는 일주일 가까이 응답을 하지 않으시다 이제 비로소 답장을 주셨는데, 첫째, 제가 전체메일로 보낸 영문편지에 답장을 주실때에는 영문으로 답장주시기 바랍니다.  둘째, 편지에 적어도 제 이름 석자는 나오는데 지금 편지주시는 분은 누구신지 모르겠군요.  존함을 편지말미에 밝혀주시기 바랍니다.


From: "FUJIBIKE Korea" <fuji@fujibike.co.kr>
To: "Yu Hosun" <franthro@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:54:51 +0900

류호선 고객님께…

류호선 고객님은 비비쉘에 크렉이 발생한 것 같다고 계속 주장을 하시는데 이와 관련하여 현재 사진만 모 사이트에 올려 놓은 상태에서 실제 크렉을 확인할 수 없는 상황입니다.
또한 소비자로서의 권리를 행사하시려면 정당한 절차에 따라 판매점을 통하여 수입원인 당사에서 크렉 사실을 확인할 수 있도록 배려하셔야 할 것으로 사료됩니다.
류호선님의 경우와 같이 판독이 불가능한 사진을 커뮤니티 사이트에 올려 놓으시고 무조건 바꿔 달라는 경우라면 당사는 물론이거니와 미국후지 본사 역시 처리가 불가능 합니다.
이에 따라 크렉을 주장하시는 자전거를 당사로 보내 주시기를 바랍니다.
귀하께서 미국후지 본사에 보내시는 e-mail의 답변은 항상 같을 것입니다.
이와 같은 사례로 인해 워런티 규정을 강화 할 수 밖에 없도록 만드는 원인 중에 하나라 생각되오니 협조 바랍니다.
----- Original Message -----
From: Yu Hosun
To: danker@fujibikes.com
Cc: jackyhuang@fujibikes.com.tw ; williamcheng@idealbike.com.tw ; kang@hkcycle.co.kr
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame


I'm so happy to get your answer back.  

I really thank you for the quick reply and information.  Let me restate what I read and understand in your e-mail to make it clear.

Eventually, you count on the Korean Distributor, Han(g)kang Cycle, and you're expecting me to get in touch with that Hankang Cycle or other Fuji Dealers in my area to verify if it's real crack or not.  My understanding is correct?

If my understanding is correct, let me tell you some problems out of your recommendation.

As I told you before, I sent an e-mail to Hankang Cycle with the attached photos of crack-like white line on the welding part of BB shell on 14 this month.  But, I haven't got any official written reply from the distributor yet so far.  If you were a Fuji customer, what could you possibly take that kind of neglect for?  Wouldn't you take it as passing buck to each other?

In a nutshell, I wish you could get many information sources other than Hankang Cycle.  Frankly, I'm wondering to what extent you have been informed of situation here.  Most of MTB riders who know about the fatal accident don't count on the distributor anymore, I guess.

This is my last and final question, Fuji dealers or Fuji distributor are the only ones you trust to verify if it's real crack or not?  I, myself, am not sure if it's crack or not.  But, I think it's not fair for me to turn in my outland to Fuji dealers or Fuji distributor, because not only you but also they might try to conceal possible, potential defects in my frame.  Hankang Cycle seems to assume that 2005 style Fuji frame is totally safe and flawless.  I'm not trying to be offensive against you nor Fuji dealer, I really mean it.  But, I can hardly rely on Fuji to figure out what is going on with my Fuji outland bicycle.

Thank you for your patience.  It's a series of relentless questions, isn't it?

From: "David Anker" <danker@fujibikes.com>
To: "Yu Hosun" <franthro@hotmail.com>
CC: <jackyhuang@fujibikes.com.tw>,<williamcheng@idealbike.com.tw>,<kang@hkcycle.co.kr>
Subject: RE: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 15:31:49 -0400

Dear Yu Hosun,

Thank you for your email.  I understand your concern.  Before we get too far into potentialities the first thing is to determine if there is a problem or not with your bike.  If there is a problem with the frame your local Fuji Dealer would contact the Fuji Distributor who can then work out a fair resolution to the problem.  But yes, we do stand behind the letter of our warranty if that is your question.

I recommend stopping by another Fuji Dealer in your area.  If you contact our Korean Distributor they will be able to recommend another Fuji Dealer for you.  I am certain that your local Fuji Dealer will be more than happy to help you.  The Korean Distributor is:

Hangkang Cycle Cor.
40-593, Hangang-ro, 3-Ga
Yongsan-Ku, Seoul
Tel: ++82/2/796 3627
Fax: ++82/2/792 2942

I do understand your frustration regarding the level of service that you find at some bike shops these days.  Sometimes a good mechanic can be your best friend in the world and but they can be a little hard to find sometimes as well.  

I hope that this helps.

Best regards,

Fuji/SE Bicycles

-----Original Message-----
From: Yu Hosun [mailto:franthro@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 9:32 PM
To: David Anker
Cc: jackyhuang@fujibikes.com.tw; williamcheng@idealbike.com.tw; kang@hkcycle.co.kr
Subject: RE: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame

Dear David

You didn't answer my question.

If it's a sure crack, can I get a new frame(new bicycle) or can I get refunded?

I need your answer, please.

Thank you.

p.s. Let me know whom you count on to verify if it's a real crack or not.

I can't count on the shop owner, mechanic of local Fuji shop who finished his contract with Fuji Seoul, he put one of brake shoes of my fuji outland along with the tire not with the rim.  I didn't know that at first, but I experienced wierd noise as soon as I purchased my fuji outland out of him so that I check it out and corrected it myself.  he will deny it, and I can't prove it.  But, it's true, anyway.  That's the real situation of professional mechanics you referred to before in your e-mail reply.

From: "David Anker" <danker@fujibikes.com>
To: "Yu Hosun" <franthro@hotmail.com>
CC: <jackyhuang@fujibikes.com.tw>,<williamcheng@idealbike.com.tw>,<kang@hkcycle.co.kr>
Subject: RE: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 09:04:24 -0400

Dear Yu Hosun,

Thank you for your reply.  We understand your concern and agree with you about the seriousness of the issue that you refer to.  At this time there is an investigation in process regarding this matter.  Once that investigation is complete we will take any necessary action to resolve this issue.  Thank you for your understanding as we act to fully understand this matter.

Best regards,

Fuji/SE Bicycles
-----Original Message-----
From: Yu Hosun [mailto:franthro@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 5:38 PM
To: David Anker
Cc: jackyhuang@fujibikes.com.tw; williamcheng@idealbike.com.tw; kang@hkcycle.co.kr
Subject: RE: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame


Personally, I think you(Fuji) should have RECALLED all the frames produced by A-Pro in Taiwan.  Recall would not ruin Fuji's fame and it might deserve its long history.  After the deadly accident, I had a small chance to survey other brands to make my own comparison with Fuji frame.  For example, GT avalanche 1.0 was so impressive.  Its welding part had such a regular interval that I took it as beautiful and artistic, but my fuji frame is not, to my regret.

To make it brief, let me tell you one thing and let me ask you one thing.

- Question: Can I have your(or Fuji Korea's) words for guarantee of exchange or refund?  Not now but a couple of months later.  I'll keep riding my fuji outland to make it clear if it's real crack or not.  Unfortunately, the local fuji agency where I bought my fuji outland does not exist any more in Pusan area.  The owner terminated his contract with Fuji Seoul after the tragic accident.  He is very clever, isn't it?  Furthermore, there is no mechanic certified by some credible authorities, there is no such a system.  I have nobody but the mechanics working for Fuji Seoul to show my fuji outland frame.  

- For your information: First, as you know, this e-mail correspondence is not private one.  It's a kind of business e-mail.  It will be subject to public opening on any occasion when I think it's necessary for the interest and safety of Fuji bicycle riders (current and potential Fuji customers).   Second, koreans have an internet website for MTB riders same as (similar to) www.mtbr.com in the States.   That Korean MTB website is trying to help the following two governmental (I'm not sure) organizations build certain safety criteria for the bicycle.( http://www.sosfo.or.kr/english/index.asp and http://www.sports.re.kr/ ) They are trying to collect as many crack cases as possible.  I'll post the photos I sent you before on the korean MTB website not to destroy your fame but to protect Fuji bicycle riders' safety and life.  I don't want to see someone killed by terrible accident related with any bicycle frame ANY MORE in the future.

I appreciate your kind and wise advice.  Thank you so much.

p.s. I really hope Fuji will recover Korean MTB riders' credit soon.  Now, they seem to not purchase any Fuji bicycle, not ride on it even on the road, let alone in the mountain.

From: "David Anker" <danker@fujibikes.com>
To: "Yu Hosun" <franthro@hotmail.com>
CC: <jackyhuang@fujibikes.com.tw>,<williamcheng@idealbike.com.tw>,<kang@hkcycle.co.kr>
Subject: RE: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 09:22:31 -0400

Dear Yu Hosun,

Thank you for your email.  I hope that you have enjoyed your Fuji.  Thank you also for the photos that you sent with your email.  My advice is to have a professional bicycle mechanic look at the frame to give you a solid answer to your questions.  Unfortunately some things are hard to see in even the best photos and to resolve all of your concerns I would bring the bike to a local professional mechanic.  Looking at the photos I do not see anything that looks like a crack in them but to be certain you want to take the bike to a professional who can examine the part that you are concerned about.  This is the best way to restore your confidence in your bike.

Thank you for your email and for sharing your concern.  I am certain that your concerns will be resolved.  Fuji is one of the world's oldest and best known bicycle brands and we have a long history of making excellent bicycles.  Your bike is one of them and you should be able to ride it with pride and confidence.

Best regards,

Fuji/SE Bicycles
-----Original Message-----
From: Yu Hosun [mailto:franthro@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 7:16 AM
To: David Anker
Cc: jackyhuang@fujibikes.com.tw; williamcheng@idealbike.com.tw; kang@hkcycle.co.kr
Subject: RE: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame


Thanks for your e-mail reply.

I bought my outland 2005 on 20 Feb. this year.

Today, I found out some crack-like white line at the edge of welding part near BB shell.

The attached files are the photos I took.

File name outland1 and outland2 were taken under the daylight, but it's not distinctive nor recognizable.  File name outland3 was taken with a small flash light.  It's much better.

Could you tell me if it's real crack or pseudo-crack just like a crack of painting?

Do you have any small tip for me to figure out if it's real one or not?

I'm very nervous about my fuji bicycle after the tragic, fatal accident related with fuji frame.

I hope you will appease my mind not to worry about my own safety on my fuji bicycle.

Thank you.

p.s. I sent an e-mail to fuji@fujibike.co.kr, but they didn't check it out instantly.  That's why I'm sending this e-mail to you again.

From: "David Anker" <danker@fujibikes.com>
To: <franthro@hotmail.com>
CC: "Jacky Huang (E-mail)" <jackyhuang@fujibikes.com.tw>,"William Cheng (E-mail)" <williamcheng@idealbike.com.tw>,<kang@hkcycle.co.kr>
Subject: FW: Questions about Fuji altair frame
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:06:54 -0500

Yu Hosun,

Thank you for your email.  We are aware of the specific incident that you refer to.  At this time there is an investigation in process regarding this matter.  Once that investigation is complete we will take any necessary action to resolve this issue.  Thank you for your understanding as we act to fully understand this matter.

Best regards,

Fuji/SE Bicycles

-----Original Message-----
From: Yu Hosun [mailto:franthro@hotmail.com]
Posted At: Friday, March 03, 2006 12:25 AM
Posted To: Info
Conversation: Questions about Fuji altair frame
Subject: Questions about Fuji altair frame

To whom it may concern

I sent an e-mail question to you before.  
Just disregard that e-mail, please.
I realized that I was confused with the name of altair frame so that I decided to send an e-mail again.  Let me ask you 3 questions.  

Question 1. Is the 2004 altair frame(2004 altair1 frame, maybe) sold in South Korea is exactly the same one as that one sold in the States?

Question 2. Does Fuji altair2 frame have any substantial, fundamental difference from Fuji altair1 frame?  Especially in the part of head tube welding.

Question 3. A Korean, Fuji Outland bicycle rider died.  The head tube welding was broken abruptly, when he was riding on his Fuji outland on the road.  He was killed by hitting his head against the road.  Was Fuji USA informed of the fatal accident that happened in South Korea?  

Can I expect your quick answer, please?
Thank you.

p.s. The following is the e-mail I sent to you.  Just disregard it, please.

To whom it may concern

Hello guys.

I'm a korean fuji bicycle rider.
I have a quick question about 2004 and 2005 altair2 frame.

Here in korea, there was an accident related with the 2004 altair2 frame.
The victim was riding on the road and his mtb was 2004 fuji outland.
The head tube welding part in the frame was broken abruptly, and he was killed by hitting his head against the road.  And I know 2 other cases of broken frame, they were all fuji 2004 altair2 frame(tahoe and thrill).

So, I suspect that fuji 2004 altair2 frame is not safe to ride on.  
Here goes my first question.
The 2004 altair2 frame sold in korea is exactly the same one as that one sold in the States?

My second question is...I have 2005 style fuji outland pro frame.
It has some difference from 2004 altair2 frame in its shape of head tube welding.
Can I count on the solidity of 2005 altair2 frame?  

My third question is the following.
Does it have any fundamental, substantial improvement out of 2004 altair frame?
At the US fuji website, I saw 2006 outland pro with a rear shox and it looked like exactly same shape as that of 2004 altair2 headtube welding.

I know we have time gap between US and korea.  When I'm awake, you might be asleep.
Can I expect your answer ASAP?
Thank you in advance.

    • 글자 크기
사고 목격(오토바이) (by maestro) '산정' 도종환 (by speedmax)

댓글 달기

댓글 12
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.21 11:52 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    잘하지도 못하는 영어로 의견교환하느라 무척 힘들었습니다. 회사측에서 제 이름을 불러가면서 회사게시판에 답변내용을 먼저 올렸더군요. 그래서 저도 모든 편지내용을 공개합니다. 저 영어 못하는 것 스스로 잘 압니다. 바삐 쓰다보면 기본적인 문법 틀린 것도 많습니다. 그러나 문법테스트 받으려고 편지주고받은 것 아니니 그런 부분은 지적하지 말아주시기 바랍니다. 그리고 전에 말씀드린대로 무슨 특별한 내용이 있는 것이 아니니 너무 힘들여 해석하실 필요도 없다고 생각됩니다. 감사합니다.
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.21 15:10 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    아래 링크는 제가 전에 사진 올렸던 것입니다. 후지에서는 제가 언제 어디에서 아래 사진이 확실한 크랙이라고 주장했으며 무조건 바꿔달라고 그랬는지 밝혀주시면 좋겠다는 작은 소망이 있습니다.
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.21 15:18 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    후지한국으로부터 때늦은 답장을 받기전, 다른 글에 달았던 저의 댓글입니다. 왜 쉽게 택배로 보낼수 없는지에 대한 설명입니다. 그게 생각처럼 간단한 일이 아니거든요.
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.21 15:29 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    4월 19일, 수요일에 작성했던 또 다른 저의 댓글중 일부를 여기에 다시 그대로 copy and paste 해놓겠습니다. 물론 이것도 저 위에 생뚱맞은 답장을 받기전에 제가 느꼈던 점입니다. 구입초기 경험으로 미루어보면 회사측과 얘기할때에 항상 한 얘기 또 하고 또 하고 또 하고 그래도 잘못 알아듣더군요.
    후지에서는 2005년식(=2006년식) 프레임은 문제가 없다고 해서 지금 교체서비스를 해주는 것 아닌가요? 그렇다면 사망사고의 조사완료 여부와 상관없이 제 2005년식 후지 아웃랜드의 크랙 의심건에 대해서 답변을 주지 않을 이유가 없지요. 당장 보내라든지, 한두달후에 확인했을때 크랙으로 확인되면 교체해주겠다든지, 교체는 안된다든지 아니면 직접 자전거의 상태를 봐야 뭐라 답변을 할수 있다든지... 허나 미국후지본사의 형식적 답변말고 서울에서는 지금까지도 아무 답장이 없어요.
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.21 15:33 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    결국 오늘 답장받기를, 서울로 보내라 그러면 크랙인지 아닌지 확인해주겠다 이것인데 제 대답은 믿을수 없으므로 못보내겠다입니다. 크랙여부를 확인해볼수 있는 다른 방법을 강구해봐야지요. 왜 못믿는가에 대해서는 저의 다음글을 확인해보시기 바랍니다.
  • 참 수고가 많으십니다.....힘내세요.
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.21 17:32 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    cheri502님 반갑습니다. 저는 님이 후지 자전거 포기하시고 다른 것으로 새로 구입하셨다는 것 게시판에서 글읽어보고 알았습니다. 마음이 후련하시지요... 저도 그렇게 하고 싶었으나 여러가지 사정상 그렇게 하지 못하고 여기 이 지점까지 오게 되었네요. 암튼지간에 다시 한번 반갑습니다.
  • 솔직히 진행사항을 몰라서 대처할 수가 없습니다. ㅜ.ㅜ;;;;
    피해자도 말이 없고 가해자도 말이 없으니, 제3자가 헛소리하다가 엉뚱한 꼬투리 잡힐까 두렵습니다.
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.21 17:34 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    예...저도 그런 점도 생각하고 있습니다. 맞는 말씀입니다.
  • DSLR 갖고 계신분의 도움을 받아, 크랙 부분을 좀더 명확히 찍어 올리시면, 조금더 힘을 받을것 같습니다.
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.22 09:57 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    사진상으로 아무리 선명하게 찍어도 그것만 갖고 크랙유무를 판별할 수는 없을 것입니다. MTB Q&A에서 크랙으로 검색해보시면 신나로 도장벗기고 침투액, 현상액등을 발라서 크랙검사하는 방법이 사진과 함께 상세하게 설명되어 있더군요. 미국 후지본사에서 제게 다시 답장보내길, 제가 원하는 다른 어떤 곳에서 크랙을 검사해도 좋지만 최종적으로는 후지측에서 그걸 보고 인정해야 교체든 환불이든 필요한 조치를 취할 수 있다고 하였고 저도 동의한다고 답신을 했습니다. 제 입장에서는 제3자의 확인이 반드시 필요한 것이, 예를 들어 서울에 자전거를 보내놓고 맡겼는데 크랙이 아니라고 하면서 뾰족한 못같이 무슨 날카로운 것에 긁힌 것이라고 해도 아무 반박할 증거가 없잖겠습니까.
  • franthro글쓴이
    2006.4.22 11:51 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    그리고 미국후지에 보내는 답장에도 썼지만도, 솔직히 크랙이기를 바라지도 않습니다. 제가 사실 엄청 게으르고 귀찮은 것을 싫어하거든요. 만일 크랙이라면 자전거에 부착한 악세사리 풀르고(오장터 라이트, 속도계, 일반 라이트, 부스터, 짐받이등등) 택배로 보내고 새 프레임 받아서 새로 조립하고...... 끔찍합니다.
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 드디어 복구했습니다. 와일드바이크 심폐소생의 변!41 Bikeholic 2019.10.27 3363
166060 휴,,캐넌데일 스카펠 팀 을,,못타고 결국,,4 dk2327 2006.04.22 962
166059 옥션에 자전거 판매하는 분한테 전화했습니다.3 jomdera 2006.04.22 1311
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166057 2007년형 XTR이 소개 되었습니다. 7 2006.04.22 1450
166056 탑퓰 110 도난당했습니다.24 ppffcc 2006.04.22 1491
166055 일본이 제주도를 달라하면4 디아블로 2006.04.22 772
166054 날씨는 좋은데 Re레디전에 2006.04.22 366
166053 다붐 홈피가 바뀌었네요.. ^^3 strally 2006.04.22 611
166052 스페셜라이즈드 도난당하신분?????????????????????23 vulcan 2006.04.22 2458
166051 훔...우리나라 군대가 아직도 정신을 못차리고 있는지...12 topgun-76 2006.04.22 1293
166050 앞샥 수리 보냈더니~~젠장!!!10 dhksxo7318 2006.04.22 1463
166049 이런!!! 한국군, 이라크인 머리 자르는장면 (노약자 클릭금지..)12 시원한 맥주 2006.04.21 1819
166048 이승엽 홈런..!!!7 uranos227 2006.04.21 1056
166047 날씨가 좋아서 동네산책중10 battle2 2006.04.21 850
166046 후X문제는 어떻게 되구 있죠?5 edge 2006.04.21 1387
166045 고수가 되는 길은 멀고도 험한길...11 인자요산 2006.04.21 1522
166044 사고 목격(오토바이)12 maestro 2006.04.21 1730
미국 후지본사와 주고받은 모든 편지내용12 franthro 2006.04.21 2684
166042 '산정' 도종환2 speedmax 2006.04.21 709
166041 그 분이 오신다 (밑에 게리횽님) 자세한 내용6 앙끼 2006.04.21 998
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