다음은 싱가폴의 Cycling association 과 국영 버스 운송 회사와의 협상이 진행되고 있음을 알리고 있는 bulletin입니다.
서로의 입장을 이해하고 상호간에 불편을 최소화 하기위한 이러한 대화가 쌍방간에 이루어 질 수 있는 민간 단체의 역량과 이것을 가능하게 하는 사회적 분위기가 매우 부럽습니다.
SACA is happy to announce that it is working with
SBS Transit in making the roads a safer place for cyclists and SBST Bus Captains.
Very often, cyclists complain about close shave encounters with SBST Bus Captains. Likewise, SBST Bus Captains have expressed their concerns about the practices of certain errant cyclists who flaunt the rules of the roads.
The SACA-SBS Transit Programme encourages constructive feedback from both SBST Bus Captains and cyclists of their encounters with unsafe road practices. This will enable SBS Transit to take the necessary actions.
서로의 입장을 이해하고 상호간에 불편을 최소화 하기위한 이러한 대화가 쌍방간에 이루어 질 수 있는 민간 단체의 역량과 이것을 가능하게 하는 사회적 분위기가 매우 부럽습니다.
SACA is happy to announce that it is working with
SBS Transit in making the roads a safer place for cyclists and SBST Bus Captains.
Very often, cyclists complain about close shave encounters with SBST Bus Captains. Likewise, SBST Bus Captains have expressed their concerns about the practices of certain errant cyclists who flaunt the rules of the roads.
The SACA-SBS Transit Programme encourages constructive feedback from both SBST Bus Captains and cyclists of their encounters with unsafe road practices. This will enable SBS Transit to take the necessary actions.
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