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영작입니다. 틀린 곳 봐주시면 감사하겠습니당~

skybluewind2006.10.15 00:50조회 수 585댓글 1

    • 글자 크기

영작 힘들어 지고 있습니다.;;

점수도 많이 깍아 먹었고; 나름 한다고 한건데 제가 봐도 영..;;

도움 주시면 감사하겠습니당~~^^

1. What do I want to do after graduation.

- 저는 졸업후에 교수님이 되고 싶어요. 제가 어릴때 시골이나 TV에서 본 야생동물들의 자유로움과 힘찬 모습에 반했었죠. 그후로 학교에서도 과학을 열심히 공부했구요. 졸업후에도 대학원으로 진학해서 공부를 더 해보고 싶네요.

-> I want to become a biology propesor after graduation. When I was young boy, I really impressed by wildlife's freedom and powerful, saw by on TV or my hometown. I was study hard sciece by atrer that days. The first step after graduation university  I pursue the postagraduate couse.

2. The people I love.

- 내가 사랑하는 사람들은 많아요. 우선 내 가족이죠. 그분들은 항상 저를 믿어주세요. 그리고 제가 힘이 들때 기댈 수 있죠. 그래서 제 가족은 제겐 중요한 사람들 입니다. 두번째는 친구들이예요. 걔들은 초등학교 혹은 중,고등 학교때 부터 저와 함께 했죠. 저희는 많은 문제들과 기쁨들을 공유한답니다.

-> I love many people. first is my family, they always trust me any state. When I was so tired I can lean on my family, so family is my VIP. second is my friend, who was togther with primary scgool, middle school, high scool. We shall with many thing, some problum and pain happiness.

3. My hobby.

- 제 취미는 몇가지 되죠. 시간이 잠깐나면 책을 읽거나, 컴퓨터 게임을 하거나 자전거를 타요. 그중에 자전거 타는게 제일 좋아요. 자전거 타는건 재미도 있을 뿐아니라 건강에도 도물이 되죠. 저는 평생 잔차를 탈꺼예요.

- My hobby is many things. I have some recess I reading a book, computer games, riding a bicycle. My favorite thisg is riding a bicycle. Riding a bicycle is fun and good for health. I will steel riding bicycle for my hole life

4. Do you think Korea war will break out again?

- 아뇨, 요즘 요즘 국제 정세가 전쟁을 해서 얻을 것이 없다는 위주로 가고 있네요. 미국이 이라크를 침공한 이후로 전쟁에 반대하는 여론이 거세지고 있어요. 우리나라 또한 외교적으로 문제를 해결하려고 하고 있구요. 무엇보다도 전쟁이 일어나지 않길 바라는 마음이 가절해서 이겠죠.

->Actually, I think Koran war will not break out again. These days international conditions are going to not thing good for their countries. Anti war being more violent U.S.A. was attack Iraq. South Korea is term of settlement by conversation. Most of important thing is I wanna don't will break out the Second  Korea wall.  

    • 글자 크기

댓글 달기

댓글 1
  • 1. I want to teach biology in a college after graduation. When I was young, I was really impressed by wild animal's lifeforce on TV (or at my hometown). I studied hard science atrer that.
    After graduation, I would like to take the postagraduate couse.

    2. I love many people. First of all, my family, they always believe me. When I am in hard time,
    I can rely on my family. So family are my VIPs. Second, my best friends, they go togther elementary school, middle school and high school with me. We share many things together, sorrow and happiness.

    3. I have many hobbies. My favorite one is riding a bicycle. Bicycle riding is fun and good for health. I will ride a bicycle as long as I can.
    (책을 읽는것, 게임은 하는것은 Hobby가 아닙니다. hobby는 노력과 시간이 필요한 취미입니다)

    4. Actually, I think war won't break out again in Korea. In these days, international situations went bad. The US led invasion of Iraq arouse world opinion of anti-war. South Korean government
    want to solve these matters by conversation. Most of all, I don't want to break out the Second Korea war.
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