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엘스워스 스페샬리스트 리콜(?).

키즈2007.02.24 23:43조회 수 1744댓글 3

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오늘 MTBR에 들어가 보니 우연히 아래의 글을 읽었습니다.
(엘스워스 포럼에서 가져온 글이구요. 잘못된 글은 아닌것 같습니다)

엘스워스 스페샬리스트 프래임중 시리얼 넘버가 SP-A-0001 ~ SP-A-0049의 제품에 문제가 있는것 같습니다. 자세히 알아보지는 않았지만, 해당 제품 사용자 께서는 좀더 알아보시는게 좋을 것 같습니다.

아래는 원문입니다.

Dear Ellsworth Dealers and Distributors,

We hope that all of you are having a great February thus far, and
looking forward to an amazing 2007 season. We have some unbelievable models
coming out, and are all excited to get them out to you and your

We are writing to ask for your assistance with a matter which we have
come across. Fortunately, we have caught the situation before it could
create any problems and are making great efforts to remedy it as
quickly as possible. There have been numerous Specialist frames which we are
currently recalling for further inspection, and ask for your
cooperation in helping us find their whereabouts. Please check all Specialist
frames which you may currently have in stock, and contact us if they have
a serial number which falls between SP-A-0001 through SP-A-0049. If
the frame you purchased was already sold, please make every effort to
contact your customer so that it can be sent back to us.

We have taken steps to expedite manufacturing new Specialist frames,
and will either replace your current new or used frame with a new one, or
credit you the purchase price amount towards any Ellsworth frame we
have in stock. Again, if the frame is currently being used, please take
action to contact your customer immediately for prompt return. We
apologize for the trouble, and appreciate your cooperation with this matter.
As this is merely a precautionary measure we are taking to re-evaluate
the production quality of these 1-49 serial numbered Specialist frames,
we would like to thank you again for your time and effort to ensure our
delivery of high-quality products.

On behalf of everyone at Ellsworth, cheers and happy riding!

Tomas Petricko
Ellsworth Handcrafted Bicycles, Inc.

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엘스워스 모멘트 프레임 먹다... (by 뻘건달) 엘스워스 이드 엠사이즈 주황색 분실! (by rainbowljs)

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댓글 3
  • 그러 하네요~ 흐~ 좋은 프렘이라 생각 했었는데.. 누구를 위한 프레임인지...
    또 한번 생각을 하게 되네요~~ 그래도 리콜은 소비자를 귀히 여기는 거지요
    뭐든.. 진정으로 고객을 위하는 메이커 만이 좋은 평가를 받으리라 봅니다~~
  • 엘스워스 홈피 찿아봐도 없던 이메일주소가 ., 키즈님 덕분에 ,, 감사합니다 ^^
  • 리콜~~~~~~~~자발적으로 리콜하는 회사는 신뢰감이 가지요^^
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