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저도 노래 한번 올립니다.^^:

웰치스(G.T.O)2008.01.21 11:19조회 수 523댓글 3

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You want commitment Take a look into these eyes They burn with a fire Till the end of time I would do anything I'd beg, I'd steal, I'd die To have you in these arms tonight Baby I want you like the roses Want the rain You know I need you Like a poet needs the pain I would give anything My blood, my love, my life If you were in these arms tonight I'd hold you I'd need you I'd get down on my knees for you And make everything all right If you were in these arms I'd love you I'd please you I'd tell you that I'd never leave you And love you till the end of time If you were in these arms tonight We stared at the sun And we made a promise A promise this world would never blind us These are our words Our words were our songs Our songs are our prayers These prayers keep me strong And still I believe If you were in these arms tonight Your clothes are still scattered All over our room The whole place still smells like Your cheap perfume Everything here reminds me of you And there's nothing that I wouldn't do And these were our words They keep me strong baby

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