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해외의 자전거 도둑;;

ducati812009.02.15 12:26조회 수 1402댓글 3

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43만 달러 가량(한화 약 5억원)의 오토바이/자전거를 훔쳐서 보관하던 도둑이 잡혔답니다..

29살의 도둑은 지난 2~3년 동안 열심히;; 훔친것 같습니다.

무슨 샵을 열어도 될듯..

시합장에서 바로 훔쳐와서 번호판도 그대로 달린 물건도 있었다고 하네요..

아래는 이 녀석이 보관중이던 물건 목록..

장갑 250 켤레
림 250개(휠셋을 말하는듯..)
타이어 120개
오토바이 자켓 100개
오토바이 바지 60개(이런건 어떻게 훔쳤죠??)
오토바이 등록 증명서 170개
헬멧 70개
하이엔드 자전거 30대
오토바이 3대와 스페어 파트 박스

정리는 잘 해놨네요..
수거하기 쉽게..

The police of Sankt Gallen caught a really productive thief. By searching his house there were many premium mountain bikes found.

With all the parts found in the house of the 29 year old thief, a bike shop could have been opened. On some of the bikes there are still the race numbers mounted, which could help to identify the owners.
30, partly high end mountain bikes are now searching for their owners and it looks like the thief had a special eye on Specialized Bikes. A look at the Database of the Sankt Gallen Police Department (http://www.kapo.sg.ch/home/fahndung/sachfahndung/diebstahl_von_teuren.html) is worth for all those who have been a victim of a bike burglary in the past two years.

The police of St. Gallen has arrested a 29 year old man who is under suspicion to have stolen Bikes and accessory in the past two years. By searching his house, stolen goods in the worth of 430.000 US Dollars was assured. The thief was imprisoned.

After months of detection the 29 year old suspect could be arrested. He is suspected being active for a couple of years in the south of Switzerland, beginning to steal Motorbikes and scooters at schools and train stations and now, for around two or three years stealing expensive mountain bikes.

The dimension of the found goods is rare. The police had to order a truck for the transport of the found stuff. 12 policemen were engaged in loading and listing the goods. Here is a short list of what was found (not complete): 250 pair of gloves, 250 rims, 120 new tires, 100 motorbike jackets, 60 motorbike pants, 170 vehicle registration certificates for motorbikes, 70 helmets, 30 high end mountain bikes, 3 motorbikes and a lot of boxes with expensive spare parts."

So it goes to show guys, keep an eye on your bikes, because accidents can happen this fast.

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섬진강 강굴, 드셔 보셨어요? (by s5454s) 오늘 이런 일이,,, (by 9zxcvb)

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