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우연히 온바이크님 뵌 행복했던날.

........2000.06.01 22:53조회 수 145댓글 0

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장조 (사도세자)의 무덤에서...

No word can describe how it feels like to stand there.
Sky that is blue as the stream in the early summer,
Wind like the hair of the loving girl of your teenage memories,
Grass dancing with the wind like the morning due and fern trees.
Broken man's soul lay there.
Just like how he was when he was alive, just for ever.

Climing up the fence and reaching the timb of SaDoSaeJa can be a bit risky, thinkning of all the guards and fancy ebuildings infront of the tomb. But...boy... I'm telling you that IT"S WORTH IT! it's worth paying 50000 won for vandalizing the treausures, to see the tomb from close by and also the view that JangJo is looking everyday.
With some courage and ignorance, i walked upto the tomb. Being an innocent young man. I felt a bit guilty and scary. (yeah right~! that's how you can urinate in the street when you are drunk ? huh?) But as soon as I reached the top, it was like walking in the clouds. The view from the tomb was just great. It is considered as one of the greatest location in Korean land philosophy.
The tomb itself was intriguing too. I could feel Jung Jo's admiration for his father. I was amazed how the statues feel so real. THe tomb was grand, but petit. It seemed like it's reflecting SaDoSaeJa himself. I met SaDoSaeJa there...

음... 귀찮네요...고만 써야지...
여튼..이 글을 여따 쓰고 있는것은요... 히히..오늘 엄청난 일이 있었거든요... 온바이크님을 뵙습니다! 크흐흐... 그것도 우연히... 너무 반가웠습니다..드디어 말을 노으셨습니다...흐흐...

(음... 사실...오늘 일기를 스케치북에다 4장에 걸쳐서 썼는데, 그거 다시 쓸려니깐 너무 김 빠지네요 ^^; 결과적으로 너무 행복한 하루였고, 난 이렇게 살까야~ 하는 내용입니다..죄송..-_-;)

온바이끄님 식사 감사했어요~
담에 제 작업실에 오시면 생맥과 녹차로 대접하겠슴다 ^^

아..위에 양키말은요 제 홈패이지에 올리기위해 지금 쓰다가 지친것입네다..나중에 끝내야죠...9일까지...흑..

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