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JensonUSA의 Specials Sale 소식입니다...

........2000.07.01 12:28조회 수 238댓글 0

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Check out our updated Hottest Specials section. Many new items on Sale!
--> http://www.jensonusa.com/specials.asp <--

It's Jenson USA's 4th of July Sale Extravaganza! JensonUSA.com hast just
received containers full of new closeout deals! Come to the site to check out
the insane deals. Below is just a sampling of what we have.

FOES Frame Sale!
FXC $1250
ZigZag HT $875
ZigZag FS $1369
DHS Tube $1950
DHS Mono $2050

The above Foes prices are for a limited time only!

Litespeed Sale!
Our prices are so low that Litespeed won't let
us print them. You have to call us at
1.800.577.8720 to get our lowest prices on
frame and complete bikes.

Litespeed Pisgah with LX/XT, Manitou Pro SX-E
for only $1449! Normally $2196

Across the board reductions!

XTR on Mavic 517 Wheelset $259 was $289
built w/ Wheelsmith spokes and nipples
SDG Comp saddles
Titec Hellbent XC 1" Riser Bar $21 was $67
Ritchey V.3 Pedals $29
'00 XT Rear Derailleur $38
'00 XT Hollowtech Crankset $92 was $119
ES-70 Bottom Bracket $24
for use with '00 LX/XT cranks
Avid SD 1.0 Levers $9.99
Maxxis Gluteus Kevlar Rear tires $14
Kenda Kozmic Lite tires $19.99
Titec Lil' Al stem 135mm $18 was $25
Titec Big Al stem 120mm x 0deg $19.99 was $46
XT Disc Brakes In Stock $289 was $399
Hutchinson Python Gold tires $25 was $33
Azonic AZX Helmets $115
Camelbacks - All Models Discounted
Profile Bar Ends $6
Avid SD 1.0 Brake Kit $45
'00 LX 9sp Cassette $23
KMC Z-Link 8sp OEM chain $5
Truvativ Stylo SL Crankset $83.32
Cook Bros E2 Crankarms $159
Same weight as Next LP's!!!!!!
All Fire XC Pros on sale $22.99
1.8 Yellow Now In Stock
'00 XTR Shifter/Brake Lever set $155 was $189
'00 XTR Rapid Rise Rear Der $65 was $80
Manitou Pro SX-E Fork $119
Azonic PDW Bars $35 was $64
Wellgo 813 Pedals $20
'99 LX Shifter Set $32

    • 글자 크기
수원분덜~요즘 잔차 타시나여? (by ........) 결국 꿰맸습니다. (by ........)

댓글 달기

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 드디어 복구했습니다. 와일드바이크 심폐소생의 변!41 Bikeholic 2019.10.27 3288
6259 Re: 선풍기 채점으로 한방에 끝내세요! ........ 2000.07.01 224
6258 결국 꿰맸습니다. ........ 2000.07.01 143
6257 고속도로 ........ 2000.07.01 140
6256 최승원님.,... ........ 2000.07.01 146
6255 -- 속초에서 오징어가 도착했답니다 -- ........ 2000.07.01 163
6254 Re: 운영자입니다. ........ 2000.07.01 147
6253 Re: Yes , Sir!!! ........ 2000.07.01 165
6252 Re: 예 사진은... ........ 2000.07.01 164
6251 유럽여행 ........ 2000.07.01 164
6250 Re: 뜨아...어쩐지 갑자기 사라지시더라,.. ........ 2000.07.01 171
6249 Re: 왈바엔 훌륭한 패널들이~ ........ 2000.07.01 149
6248 Re: 얼굴을 땅바닥에 갈았읍니다 ........ 2000.07.01 143
6247 Re: 온바이크님... ........ 2000.07.01 144
6246 Re: 얼굴을 땅바닥에 갈았읍니다 ........ 2000.07.01 144
6245 Re: 얼굴을 땅바닥에 갈았읍니다 ........ 2000.07.01 167
6244 Re: 채점 끝나는 대로 기냥 쏩니다. ........ 2000.07.01 142
6243 얼굴을 땅바닥에 갈았읍니다 ........ 2000.07.01 164
6242 Re:zzart님 남태령 정자에서 2시에 합류합니다.(無) ........ 2000.07.01 166
6241 수원분덜~요즘 잔차 타시나여? ........ 2000.07.01 188
JensonUSA의 Specials Sale 소식입니다... ........ 2000.07.01 238
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