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Paola Pezzo가 탄 자전거,Gary Fisher 에 관하여

........2000.09.29 19:05조회 수 281댓글 0

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올림픽에서 paoal pezzo 가 탄 자전거에 대한 논란에 대한
간단히 말하면 , 게리피셔 가 특별히 고안한 자전거인데
Trek의 STP 을 채용한것입니다.
Pezzo가 자전거을 탈때 등에 문제가 있어서 특별ㅎ 고안한
자전거 입니다.
참고로 Klein , Gary Fisher 는 Trek 이 인수하여
지금은 한 가족입니다만 , 영업 , 기술등등 모두
독립적으로 움직입니다.

아래의 내용을 보시고 참조 바라오며 , 번역을 못해 드려서
역시 , 영어공부 한다고 생각하시고 .....
제논 스포츠 드림
From: Tobecksen, Nate
> Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 2:58 PM
> To: Group = All (includes Int'l Subs)
> Subject: Paola Pezzo's Olympic Bike
> There seems to be a bit of confusion regarding the bike Paola Pezzo rode
> to Olympic victory. Below is an explanation to give your customers who
> have questions:
> 1. Pezzo was on a Fisher-modified STP.
> 2. The STP was a bike originally designed for Paola Pezzo. She has had
> back problems in the past, and came to Gary Fisher and Trek engineers
> looking for a bike with just enough rear travel to minimize the toll on
> her body over rough courses. We were able to create the softail with Trek
> OCLV. Because the pivotless design requires the entire frame to flex with
> the travel of the rear, OCLV carbon fiber was the optimum material due to
> its ability to flex and return to its natural state without fatigue. And
> because OCLV is Trek's flagship material it made sense to sell it to
> consumers as such.
> 3. We offer all of our racers a choice of bicycle technology to suit each
> course. Pezzo felt the Fisher-modified STP was well suited for her riding
> style on the Sydney course. Mary Grigson and Chrissy Redden rode Sugars,
> Ruthie Matthes rode a STP and Travis Brown rode a Fuel. It is very much a
> personal decision for each of the athletes.
> 4. The ultimate reason we sponsor athletes is to sell brand image, and, of
> course, more bikes. Pezzo's win will do both for both brands. Her victory
> is a true testament to the outstanding engineering and design abilities we
> have within this corporation.

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조언좀 구하겠습니다^^ (by omaro1977) 츄우캬~~~~~`~`~드려유~~~` (by ........)

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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 드디어 복구했습니다. 와일드바이크 심폐소생의 변!40 Bikeholic 2019.10.27 3180
Paola Pezzo가 탄 자전거,Gary Fisher 에 관하여 ........ 2000.09.29 281
173629 츄우캬~~~~~`~`~드려유~~~` ........ 2000.09.29 163
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