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[2001 Rockshox 리콜]

........2000.10.10 11:20조회 수 678댓글 0

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지난 10월 5일자로 락샥의 2001년 몇몇모델에 대한 리콜이 떳습니다. 아직 국내에는 아무런 이야기가 없는걸로 봐서 아마도 국내에는 수입이 되지않은 듯합니다만....Mail Order등을 통해 개인적으로 수입하신 분들의 경우 숙지하시기 바랍니다. 확실히 보호받는 미국의 라이더들이 너무 부럽군요....우리들은 몸으로 때우고 있는데....-_-;;;

다음은 락샥의 리콜 공지 전문입니다.

October 5, 2000
To: All Rockshox Customers
From: Reed Pike, Vice President Aftermarket Channel
This is a stop selling a recall notice regarding the:
2001 Judy TT / 2001 Judy TT Special / 2001 JETT / 2001 METRO
In conjunction with the United States Consumer Safety Commission (CPSC), RockShox is directing its customers (OEM Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers) to immediately stop distribution and sales of these products. The compression rods may freacture in normal use resulting in loss of functionality an/or separation of the lowers from the upper tubes and the potential for loss of control and serious potential injury to the rider. This notice is being sent for safety reasons in order to reduce the chance of personal injury.
As noted above, RockShox has notified the CPSC, and is working with the Commission staff regarding this matter. RockShox is developing a corrective action plan with regard to these suspension forks, and will be sending recall notices with details of the corrective action plan as soon as that plan has been approved by the CPSC staff. You will receive further notices and information very soon regarding this matter.
If you have any questions regarding this Stop Selling &Recall Notice please call our Recall Hotline at 866-888-6192.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We offer4 our complete support to you in resolving this issue. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance in this important safety issue.


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