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Re: 배영성님...

........2001.01.08 14:35조회 수 166댓글 0

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It's not wondering, Write a personal English letter at your age, at all.
It's an evidence that You're Soul is Very Pure and Healthy, I Think.


YS wrote:
:It's so nice to hear from you. Reading your message in English, I thought that I should also write in English so that you may get away from home sickness by reading any messages from Wildbike at P.C. Rooms in New Zealand.
:We all envy you, as you are fortunate enough to enjoy two good things in your life. Taking a trip to foreign country, and riding MTB, at the same time.
:You may feel lonely and experience some hardships from time to time during your journey, but I'm sure it'll pay off after all.
:I just hope that you'll take good care of yourself, and tell us about your wonderful tour after you return to Korea. (Perhaps, you don't have enough time to write your experience in English in a local P.C. Room in New zealand.^^)
:Best regards,
:Y.S. Bae
:P.S. I didn't expect that I would write a personal letter in English
: at my age.^^

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