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........2001.07.03 17:57조회 수 140댓글 0

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"께서 남기신 글입니다" 외에는
토종이 아니여
그래서 구렁이 담 넘듯이 넘어불고 
클리프님 건강 하세요

cliff님께서 남기신 글입니다.
: SO, I can ride from now on. ^^
: Yesterday, I ride the bike just a little bit to get
: my permanent house. It's about 10Km for round trip.
: It was great! 35Km/h.
: Nobody didn't interfere me. I used just bike only lane.
: In this weekend, I have a plan to go to big basin red woods
: state park. (In tour story, you can review the course. Lots of
: acorn, red pine leaves, can see Pacific ocean over the mountain
: ...)
: Have a good ride with you!
: Cliff

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