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Re: To Cliff nim

........2001.07.03 21:59조회 수 139댓글 0

    • 글자 크기

hello CLiff nim

so. you are making a wildbike sub-club, for US residents? wow. that's great.
One of my best friend here is a bike-messenger. and he has some crazy stories abuot his experiences. and I think I'll join him next month. I don't mountainbike anymore in the city, but there are some good single tracks in Illinois too, so I can share some information...

Sounds like you are really enjoying California. Congratulations with the new settlement. and let me know if you have any business plan to Mid West.

Then. take care~

Nokcha goon~

cliff님께서 남기신 글입니다.
: Hello,
: Could you make one wild-club sub-section with name
: "TAR: Take A Ride". I'll be a Captain.
: And allow me to use only English even administrative notice in
: that page.
: I want to share some information with people who love "take a
: ride" in US, especially.
: By the way, I can't get into the modify/delete pages on Netscape.
: How can I handle this?
: Hope see you soon here and take care.
: Cliff

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:: 7월9일 코렉스배 방송(mbc) (by ........) 몸짓과 음악 (by ........)

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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 드디어 복구했습니다. 와일드바이크 심폐소생의 변!41 Bikeholic 2019.10.27 3259
150835 To bikeholic, ........ 2001.07.03 173
150834 재성이님 반가왔습니다. ........ 2001.07.03 148
150833 :: 7월9일 코렉스배 방송(mbc) ........ 2001.07.03 184
Re: To Cliff nim ........ 2001.07.03 139
150831 몸짓과 음악 ........ 2001.07.03 141
150830 Re: 수고많으십미다. 홀릭님... ........ 2001.07.03 166
150829 Re: 산악자전거를 모르는 종(?)들의 이야기... ........ 2001.07.03 140
150828 오늘 또... ........ 2001.07.03 148
150827 산악랠리 전용 게시판이 부활 했습니다. ........ 2001.07.03 147
150826 ^^;;;; ........ 2001.07.03 148
150825 Re: Would you do me a favor? ........ 2001.07.03 206
150824 홀릭님 부탁요... ........ 2001.07.03 145
150823 급한 마음에 여기에다.... ........ 2001.07.03 174
150822 M4님 보세요. ........ 2001.07.03 163
150821 ^^ ........ 2001.07.03 155
150820 Re: Hello there! ........ 2001.07.03 141
150819 Re: 그거이요... ........ 2001.07.03 144
150818 잔차는 못가고...차는 갈수있는... ........ 2001.07.03 144
150817 접수 했습니다. ........ 2001.07.03 172
150816 이형정님, 감사합니다.. ^^ ........ 2001.07.03 167
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