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........2001.07.18 23:17조회 수 189댓글 0

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don't you get on your intense? 33kms is too long to pedall on a full-suspension machine? Or just your taste has been changed from intense to commuting bike?   

If you need a roadbike, I have one. Very nice one I built for my wife. I can willingly exchange it for your intense. What'd you say? Deal? ^^

From onbike, still hungry for an intense and still more hungry for those memories we shared back in Seoul.

    • 글자 크기
하늘소님.. (by ........) 숨막혀 죽겠습니다..제발 ㅠㅠ (by anima-mundi)

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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 드디어 복구했습니다. 와일드바이크 심폐소생의 변!40 Bikeholic 2019.10.27 3126
149367 없습니다..ㅎㅎㅎ ........ 2001.07.18 151
149366 Re: 만두님 핸폰 보관 중임다 ........ 2001.07.18 139
149365 ^^; ........ 2001.07.18 168
149364 cycling to get work ........ 2001.07.18 235
149363 Re: cycling to get work ......Hi , there! ........ 2001.07.18 238
149362 고맙습니다^^(냉무) ........ 2001.07.18 165
149361 ㅎㅎㅎ 뭘요... ........ 2001.07.18 181
149360 오늘부터... ........ 2001.07.18 177
149359 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ........ 2001.07.18 164
149358 신고합니다! ........ 2001.07.18 288
149357 Re: 정식으로......추카 추카 ........ 2001.07.18 163
149356 축하드립니다.. ^^ ........ 2001.07.18 187
149355 6V조정가능합니다. PCB도착은 다음주 월또는 화요일 ........ 2001.07.18 165
149354 A조 카니발은.. ........ 2001.07.18 193
149353 10분후 꺼진다면... ........ 2001.07.18 150
149352 정말 반가웠습니다. ........ 2001.07.18 162
149351 말발굽님... ........ 2001.07.18 143
149350 Re: 아이구야! ........ 2001.07.18 168
149349 하늘소님.. ........ 2001.07.18 164
why... ........ 2001.07.18 189
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