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If you need work stand...

........2001.07.27 17:50조회 수 163댓글 0

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Hello, All,

Then, please consider "Spin Doctor Pro Work Stand" from
Performance bike. It's about 159$.
I'm not sure how much you will need pay for shipping, but
the quality was really good. I ordered last week, and I've
got it in this monday. It's made in Japan.
Strong arms, 360' rotatable fixing arms, nice look.
I recommand this if you want to have work stand.
Accompanying wheel stand was also nice with resonable price,
less than 50$.

I'm not a sale person for Performance bike. ^^

Have a happy riding!


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bilkholic님, 십자수님 (by ........) 힘은 들었겠지만.. 코요테님이 부럽네요.. (by ........)

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39648 힘은 들었겠지만.. 코요테님이 부럽네요.. ........ 2001.07.27 154
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