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David.. i hope that i can help you

........2001.10.25 05:21조회 수 165댓글 0

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Hi. David . 
My name is ryan Lee(korean name is Lee Hack Jae), and i am highschool student that  like MTB.

I saw writings about your stolen bike in WILDBIKE.CO.KR's web board.  I am feel impatient about it. and i hope you can find it quickly.

I read that your korean is very small, so you are difficult to scan your kona picture and to use korean web site. 

So if possible I want to help you. 

I live a apartment in songpa-gu in seoul. It is in front of Olympic Park. It called olympic apartment. and I have scanner that can scan your kona pictures. and you said that your kona picture is not clear. If i can, i try to  make it clear by use photoshop program.

If you contact me. I will meet and help you.

My email is  -->  jinu34@unitel.co.kr .
phone numeber : 02-430-1777 ( if you call me . call in am 12 and
say my korean name..  regardless of day..today is ok)

good luck~

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당연히.... (by 다리 굵은) =트레키님. 금요일날 시간되요? (by ........)

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공지 드디어 복구했습니다. 와일드바이크 심폐소생의 변!41 Bikeholic 2019.10.27 3344
David.. i hope that i can help you ........ 2001.10.25 165
141679 =트레키님. 금요일날 시간되요? ........ 2001.10.25 206
141678 = 일본에 아는 사람 있는분 손들어주세요~~~ ........ 2001.10.25 187
141677 ★★★와일드 바이크 주주총회 장소및 시간 확정★★★ ........ 2001.10.25 192
141676 Re: 무었하세요.... ........ 2001.10.25 166
141675 요새 하고 있는일.. ㅋㅋ 무다리[폭주]님 필독 ........ 2001.10.25 165
141674 Re: 일본에는.......... ........ 2001.10.25 187
141673 Re: 요새 하고 있는일.. ㅋㅋ 무다리[폭주]님 필독 ........ 2001.10.25 146
141672 Re: 여유있게, 즐거운 마음으로 하세요! ^^ ........ 2001.10.25 147
141671 그럼 ... ........ 2001.10.25 174
141670 ~ ........ 2001.10.25 147
141669 아~ 짱나네.. ㅋㅋ ........ 2001.10.25 164
141668 jekyll님 감사^^ ........ 2001.10.25 154
141667 아 ! 뚜그렁뚜그렁 ........ 2001.10.25 173
141666 Re: 바이킹님 무었하세요..... ........ 2001.10.25 142
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141664 고맙습니다 ........ 2001.10.25 173
141663 살빼기와 근육만들기 어느게...... ........ 2001.10.25 165
141662 만두님 ........ 2001.10.25 185
141661 Re: 저도 걸렸어요... ........ 2001.10.25 167
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