canondale사에 v-브레이크를 disk브레이크로 바꿀수 이느지 여부를 문의 하였더니 아래의 답변이 왔네요...
끌끌.....혹시 여러분들중 좋은 아이디어 없으세요?
We are sorry but Cannondale does not recommend installing any
adapters for disc brakes. If your Cannondale frame was not designed for disc brakes, then you would need a new frame to use disc brakes.
Thank You
Timothy Corbett
Customer Service Tech Support
끌끌.....혹시 여러분들중 좋은 아이디어 없으세요?
We are sorry but Cannondale does not recommend installing any
adapters for disc brakes. If your Cannondale frame was not designed for disc brakes, then you would need a new frame to use disc brakes.
Thank You
Timothy Corbett
Customer Service Tech Support
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