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미국 KHS에 콩그리쉬 메일을 보냈더니 답장이 왔군요. ^^*

대머리아자씨2003.05.03 04:49조회 수 651댓글 0

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================== 문의 메일이구요 ===========================
Hi~ KHS company~

I'm in Seoul, Korea.
(이름은 생략) is my name.
I'm (나이) years old, high-school teacher, love bicycle.

I bought KHS bicycle ALITE 400, last week (가격)won.
It has altus rear-gear, but it didn't well done.

When I up hill, push the down gear button but didn't got in 1st step gear.
And Font-gear was same.
Boss of shop said, stedy push button until get in 1st step gear.
Oh, Who can do that like a this way about gear button !
And when I dirve slowly, there is the noise DDing~~ DDing~~ around front-wheel.
SomeBody said that occasion is release spoke.
But I can find out release, as I beginner.

Some My Internet-community friends said
ALITE 400 is very old model about 1998 before,
The seller have to know it is very shame sell so old model without any explains.
So I ride into shop, claim about My bicycle in 4 times day by day.
Today the boss of shop fit in deore rear-gear instead my original altus rear-gear.

My Qustions
1. Altus gear didn't well done?

2. When did you product ALITE 400 ?

3. What grade is ALITE 400 in 2003 products levels?

4. My case, How can I do for more A/S ?
   (Where, How, Cost etc....)

                                                                           2003. 5. 2

=============== 답장입니다 ========================

Thank you for your interest in KHS Bicycles.
Please contact Azokey Korea in KOREA at 31-573-4003 there, they can assist you with any technical problems.
Thank you once again and have a nice day.
Happy Trails,
KHS Bicycles


다른 검색포털에서는 검색되지 않고 한미르에서 전화번호로만 검색되네요.



오늘 오후라도 전화를 해볼까 싶습니다.

궁금하니까, 물어봐야지요~~ ^^*

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