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이것 좀 해석해 주세요^^...;;

제로2004.01.20 00:24조회 수 441댓글 0

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The grading on the fork is NOT, I say again NOT in mm. The marking '118' corresponds within tolerances to 125 mm. You can measure for yourself if you don't believe me. Above the 85 marking there is a shorter indication for the 80 mm. Measure from that one down and you'll get your 45 mm down to the 118- marking +/- 2 mm perhaps. No one has a fork that reads '125' at max.

This is very confusing and has led to much frustration. But all of you who are downgrading this fork because of this- think again.

How on God's green earth RS came up with this one, I don't know.

What I DO KNOW: this is a super fork. Buy it.

락샥 사일로sl의 트레블에 관해서 쓴내용인데요...

무슨 말인지는 알겠는데, 정확히 이해가 안되는 부분도 있거든요... 해석 부탁드립니다 ㅠ_ㅠ... RS가 모죠?

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