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euijawang2010.10.14 20:29조회 수 1640댓글 7

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    Peppermint tea

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    For the North African drink, see Touareg tea.

    설명: http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.5/common/images/magnify-clip.png

    Peppermint tea

    Peppermint tea is a tisane (infusion) of peppermintMentha piperita. It is sometimes called mint tea. It is naturally caffeine-free. A tea made from blending peppermint and spearmint leaves is referred to as doublemint tea.

    [edit]Health benefits and concerns

    Though there have been no human clinical trials on the health benefits or risks of peppermint tea[1], some believe peppermint tea has healing effects because of the menthol that it contains. It is said to ease such problems as irritable bowel syndromenausea and vomitingdiarrhea,headaches and baby colic; for this last, breastfeeding mothers are sometimes recommended to drink the tea themselves, in the belief that its benefits will be passed on to the baby in the breastmilk. Its minty flavour can take the edge off bad breath. It is also said to control mild asthma,manage stress and ward off the common cold. In some countries, peppermint tea preparations list these proposed effects on their labels.

    However, peppermint has muscle relaxant properties and therefore may relax the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the contents of thestomach to move upwards into the esophagus. For this reason, patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are advised to avoid peppermint, at least in theory. On the other hand, precisely because it calms and relaxes the muscles along the intestinal tract, thus reducing spasms, peppermint may have beneficial effects in treating digestive symptoms like diarrhea and colic.[citation needed] Peppermint also seems to be effective in relieving intestinal gas and indigestion. [2].

  • euijawang글쓴이
    2010.10.14 23:32 댓글추천 0비추천 0

    참 어지럽군요 ㅋㅋ

    맛이 좋아 구입함 해볼려니 어렵네요 ㅎ

  • 페퍼민트라면 롯데껌이 좋습니다. ㅎㅎㅎ

    후레쉬 민트, 스피아민트~~ 껌이라면 역시 씹던 껌~~

  • 티벳 사람들이 자주먹는 복전차는 가지고 있습니다만

    위의차는 수백종의 꽃차 중 하나인 것 같아요

    차의 스승에게 물어본 봐~

    향은 강하나 영양가는 별로랍니다. ㅎㅎ

  • 아~~~

  • 페파민트오일은 진정작용이 있습니다 제가 취급하는 알로에크림에 들어 있습니다

    향이 진하고 사람에 따라 조금 안 맞을수도 있습니다만 청량감을 주고 심신 안정 등의 효과가

    있는 것으로 알고 있습니다 허브의 한 종류로 생각하고 드셔보시고 괜찮으면 몸에 좋은 것입니다 ㅋ

    아직 건강기능식품의 재료로는 사용하지 않고 있네요^^

  • euijawang글쓴이
    2010.10.15 20:28 댓글추천 0비추천 0

    답변들 주셔 감사^^

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