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Re: I want to join!!!

........2000.09.23 09:47조회 수 172댓글 0

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You know, I'm using 19 inch specialized now.
It was toooooooooo biiiigggg at first, but I spent about a month, and it fits really well now.
Since downtown Chicago is just too flat, I practice in the park beside the river, where there are some artificial hills and stairs... I want to show off my new bike and meet all of you... so sad -_-';;;

Ah.... I miss Korea.
(my friend, the owner of this computer, just said "Don't get dragged on with the people of your past...
Ït has been a month, and Are WIldbike and friends in KOrea already Past people...it's sad....-_-;;;;

what a blue day......

Hope you enjoy the ride tomorrow!

미루 wrote:
>내일 남한선성 번개의 몸풀이겸...일자산 번개입니다.
>모임 장소 : 일자산 앞 육교위(장소를 모르시는 분들은 미루에게 전화요망)
>모임 시간 : 토요일 아침 9시30분
>준 비 물 : 잔차, 헬멧, 보호장구, 등등
>미루네집 근처에 거주하시는 배영성님, 김원배님, 뭉치님, 등등 많이 참가하세요...^^

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