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Re: Q about namhan sansong

........2000.10.16 21:33조회 수 192댓글 0

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I like to know when are you going to ride namhan sansong..
sunday or friday

peace in net
Bikeholic wrote:
>: Namhan Sansong. Hummer trail + others. 10:15 am at Sansong station, outside. Ride-eat-ride-ride-jump-ride-fall-eat-ride til dark.
>Sunday: Acha-san hardcore extravaganza on classic Korean slickrock. 11:30 am at Bikeland (www.bikeland.co.kr for map in Korean). Warm-up with easy DH singletrack, then on to the Big Stuff.
>In other news....Umyon-san, a major riding area in Seoul, has been destroyed. The main ridge trail, which lmost every loop depends on, has been bulldozed by the ROK Army. There is a secret and very difficult descent Brett and I know about that we call DMZ. Little did we know that name would be prophetic. It's now the only option, unless you like riding through bulldozer tracks, sand and debris. Umyon was the only place in Seoul with 'beginner' singletrack, and was where I would take Seoul MTB virgins. Time to upgrade those skills, beginners!
>Steve Danyo

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