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New and Used Tires, Nevegals, Intense, 29ER(타이어)

mames10042010.03.29 22:38조회 수 425댓글 0

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New Kenda Klaw XT 29er Tire, 29 x 1.95

35,000 Won Shipped


NEW, Kenda Nevegal 26 x 2.10 DTC Rubber Tires (Pair)

2 for 85,000 Shipped


LIKE NEW, used 1 time, Kenda Nevegal 26 x 2.35 DTC Tire

30,000 Won


Like New, used a few times, Kenda Stick_E, 26 x 2.10 Tire

25,000 won


Like New, Kenda Small Block 8 DTC tire, 26 x 2.10

Had Stan’s sealant in it,

15,000 with purchase of another tire


NEW!! Intense 29er tires, EX Lite S-29 for 29er bikes (Pair)

2 for 65,000 Won shipped


미국인입니다. 배송료 포함가격 입니다. 문자 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

연락처 : 010-3722-6968 (영어), 010-8227-2010 (아내, 한국어)


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