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이렇게라도 해서 분위기도 띄우고 포인트도 올려야쥐....^^

월광 月狂2003.06.05 16:54조회 수 198댓글 0

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People are disgustin and nothin's exiting
so Take me to your little castle once again, please..
into the emptiness, into the sadness,

into the darkness that you gave me a long time ago
You said, to live is to die, very slowly
tell me what the difference is

We hate the sun light
We share the twillight
We're just wating for the night to fall

*people who only see what they wanna see,
they're making realistic fantasy
that's really easy but it doesn't impressed me

i'm just scratching the door and it is grinding me on and on
and on....

설마 해석해 달라는 분 안계시겠죠? -_-;


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