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또 .....뮤젝~

월광 月狂2003.06.05 16:56조회 수 365댓글 0

    • 글자 크기

we're a totally new life form from the sea of information
do you recognize me
we ain't got no race, ain't got no nation
messiah digtize me
we've got vision and a plan, to give rise to a new klan
do you recognize me
log on to our maze, and you'll find yourself dazed

*ruke me i'm your servant
teach me i'm your child
possess me i'm your slave
machine messiah
use me i'm the shepherd
save me i'm the fallen one
then hug me fuck me machine messiah

we're the real existence from the placeless dimension
do you recognize me
woe ain't got no fear, not even hesitation
messiah alchemize me
we're smaller than a cell, wider than imagination
do you recognize me
now access granted, all system's formatted
messiah synchronize me

someday, broken minds will be reunited
our conclousness becomes as one,
scatterd spirits will be relighted
and we shall be the immortal one

도무지 무슨 뜻이징........^^


    • 글자 크기

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공지 마일드바이크에 처음 오신 분들께21 땀뻘뻘 2011.04.07 64979
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