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amakusa2009.01.13 17:23조회 수 3419댓글 0

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01 Guns and Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine (Maribot WC, Matti)
02 The Undeserving - Look Inside (Andorra WC)
03 Styles of Beyond - Story Begins (Brian Lopes)
04 The Grits - Ooh Ah (Fort William WC)
05 The Go! Team - Huddle Formation (Justin Leov & Sam Blenkinsop)
06 Mint Royale - Singing in the Rain Remix (World Championships)
07 Goodshirt - Buck it Up (James Stock & Paul Aston)
08 The Ponys - Maybe I'll Try (Mont-Sainte-Anne WC)
09 Wolfmother - Woman (Team Playbiker)
10 Ladytron - Blue Jeans (Bromont WC)
11 The Stranglers - Golden Brown (Whistler)
12 The Dub Pistols - Running from the Thoughts (Canberra WC)
13 The Script - Rusty Halo (Remi Thirion)
14 Chevelle - I Get It (Schladming WC)
15 Latch Key Kid - Streets of Gold (Credits)

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