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dextro92004.02.05 15:28조회 수 1753댓글 8

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Time Magazine 2003년 11월 17일자에 나온 내용입니다.
Next: The New Black  

Inventor: Dan Hanebrink

In 2000 adventurer Doug Stoup became the first American to ski from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole. But there was something wrong with the trip: it was too darn slow. So, working with bike designer and aerospace engineer Dan Hanebrink, Stoup came up with an alternative to skis: a bike that he could ride in Antarctica. The ice bike has no plastic parts (which would freeze and shatter in the extreme conditions), and the superfat, low-pressure tires provide traction in situations that would make a mountain bike weep. After a successful trial earlier this year, Stoup says he is ready to pedal to the Pole.

Availability: Now, $3,500
To Learn More: hanebrink.net

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