모델명: Porsche Bike FS
소 재 : Cross-coutury bike with lightweight aluminium frame,
Energy Red, 5083 aluminium, VOTEC GS4 Air² Plus fork,
adjustable ride height via variable air-chamber length,
individually adjustalble springs and damping. Shimano XT
derailleurs, MAGURA HS 33 FILM-tech hydraulic rim brake
system, Shimano XT 11-34 cassette(9-speed) Rock Shox
SID shock with lockout option, Multi-Positioning FlipFlop
System(MPFFS) for adjusting progression rate of shock,
MAVIC X517 wheels weight(without pedals): 11.5Kg.
애마와 친해지려고 노력중임당 빨랑 적응해야할텐뎅 ^^
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