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Narrower bottles and a lightweight carbon cage make hydration sexier than ever.
10/07/2003 - If you're the kind of rider who put your Colnago C-40 on eBay the minute the new C-40 HP was announced, Elite's Carbon 19 system is for you. The Carbon 19 boasts a 24-gram carbon-fiber cage (34g with bolts), the lightest ever made, and Elite's 66mm-diameter bottle system.
Why the smaller bottle? Most bike bottles are 74mm, a fat 8mm more than the 66mm, ergonomically friendly diameter used by most of the beverage industry, from Coke to Evian. Other benefits of the smaller-diameter bottle are that it fits more easily in jersey pockets, and it provides a minor aerodynamic advantage. And the cage provides snap-in rather than slide-in bottle retention, a bonus for small or compact-geometry frames.
But the bottles may not carry enough for you. Elite's research shows that two 17-ounce bottles are more than enough for the 91 percent of cyclists the company says are "going on rides that don't exceed 15-20 miles." If you ride longer, you'll be carrying extra bottles.
Finally, the price: $90 for one cage and bottle, making the Carbon 19 the most expensive hydration system, in dollars per ounce of liquid. If you have a com-pact frame or if style trumps all, the Carbon 19 is a fine choice to top off that sexy, raw-look carbon frame.
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