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인터넷을 돌아다니는 출처 불명의 그래프

GT2005.07.14 09:04조회 수 2374댓글 11

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과연 진실은?

GT@멜바 ;-)

look at graph first!!

1. FSR (True Four-bar)
* Full range of bump compliance: A: From stutters to big hits, Four-bar excels in bump compliance.
* Pedaling efficiency: B: With its near-vertical wheelpath (but not perfectly vertical), the compressing rear wheel pulls back slightly on the chain when in the smallest chainring.
* Braking Independence: A: This type of suspension remains completely active even under heavy braking.

2. Linkage (Semi Four-bar)
* Full range of bump compliance: A: Bump compliance is still very good
* Pedaling efficiency: B: Pedals well, with only minor pedal feedback
* Braking independence: C: Because the pivot is on the seatstay, not the chainstay, these bikes experience significant brake jacking

3. Single Pivot
* Full range of bump compliance: B: Dependent on shock technology, single pivots can react fairly to both stutters and larger hits.
* Pedaling efficiency: D: Highly reliant on shock technology and completely dependent on pivot placement, single pivot bikes can exhibit the greatest levels of pedal feedback (depending on which chainring the rider is in).
* Braking independence: D: Unless a brake idler arm is used (very rare) single pivots exhibit high levels of brake jack.

4. Virtual Pivot Point
* Full range of bump compliance: B: Dependent on whether the chain is under tension or not, VPP can be fairly reactive to varying sizes of bumps.
* Pedaling efficiency: B: With it's S-shaped wheelpath, the VPP design intestinally utilizes pedal feedback to keep the suspension "locked-out" in its initial travel under pedaling force. This design results in pedal feedback as the suspension compresses through its initial travel.
* Braking independence: A: Performs very well under braking.

5. Monolink
* Full range of bump compliance: C: Heavily dependent on whether the rider is seated or standing, this design also exhibits heavy pedal influence on the suspension. Crank hard and the suspension stiffens-up significantly.
* Pedaling efficiency: C: Because the suspension is influenced by pedaling input, the opposite is also true; suspension compression pulls back on the cranks, making Monolink relatively inefficient.
* Braking independence: B: Heavy braking can influence suspension suppleness.

6. Maestro
* Full range of bump compliance: A: From rapid-fire stutters to heavy "G-out" compression hits, Maestro remains fully active under all types of impacts.
* Pedaling efficiency: A-: Only the slightest amount of pedaling feedback can be felt in the small chainring, making Maestro the most efficient pedaler on the trail.
* Braking independence: A: Heavy braking has no influence on the suppleness of Maestro

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  • FSR = Specialized Big Hit or Intense M1
    Linkage = Kona Stinky
    Single pivot = SC Bullit
    VPP = SC v10
    Monolink = RMX
    Maestro = ???

    제가 아는 범위 내에서 링크 방식과 대표적인 프레임을 짝지워 봤습니다.
    잘못된 부분 있으면 고쳐주세요.
    제 짝짓기가 맞다면, 경험상 위 그래프에 대체로 동조하고 싶습니다.

    그러나 왠지 Maestro(먼진 모르지만) 방식 제조사에서 유포한 듯한.ㅋㅋㅋ
  • Maestro=Giant
  • FSR = DEMO9
    Linkage = Banshee scream
    Single pivot = Orange 223
    VPP = Intense M3
    Monolink = RMX
    Maestro = Giant New Machine
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  • (' ') 나두 동감한다 ^^ 좀 냄새나지? 바빠도 여기들어올시간은 있남? 잘지내라 환!아~
  • 마에스트로가 맨 마지막에서 젤 좋은 점수를 있는거 보니, 마에스트로 링크 시스템 만들면서 만들어본 홍보용 자료인듯하네요.
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  • http://www.suspensionmadeharmonious.com/suspension_comparison.html
    자이언트에서 마에스트로 홍보용으로 제작한게 맞네요.
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