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Titus Racer-X

sungchang2005.09.09 12:29조회 수 1820댓글 2

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Here's my bike, Titus Racer-X.  Sorry for the bad pictures...took it with my pda camera.

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댓글 2
  • pda 카메라 치고는 화질이 괜찮네요. 5th element샥...느낌이 어떤지..바빙이 적다고는 하는데..궁금하네요
  • sungchang글쓴이
    2005.9.10 02:29 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    5th element - mated to Horst Link rear suspension of Racer-X, it works very well. I feel almost no bobbing at all. In climbs I feel like I am on a hardtail. In downhill it's quite plush. There was a comparison review on rear shocks. 5th Element air got good reviews although Fox RP3 was slightly better recommended. Here's a review on 5th Element Air: http://www.dirtworld.com/productreviews/ReviewStory.asp?id=530
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