Proflex 856 의 초기 버젼인
92년식 752 입니다...
아래는 산타 크루즈가 채택한 VPP 방식을...
최초로 도입한 Outland VPP 입니다...^^v
Outland uses a "virtual pivot point" (VPP) suspension design on this bike. It is named since the suspension design "pivots" in space not at an actual structural pivot. This is accomplished using a lower link mounted under the bottom bracket and a large upper link mounted to the shock and pivots from the seat tube. The rear stays are CNC machined out, looks like a lot of aluminum chips left over from that job!! The VPP design has recently been used again by companies such as Santa Cruz and Intense. The Girvin fork is probably not something that would have been used on the bike but I think it goes well with the rear linkage
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