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2006 Titus MotoLite - being built

sungchang2006.07.12 07:56조회 수 2724댓글 13

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2006 Titus MotoLite - being built

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댓글 13
  • 고민하다가, Turner 5 spot(2006)을 조립하여 타고 있지만, Titus MotoLite, 정말 타 보고 싶은 멋진 frame이죠.
    항상 즐겁고 안전하게 타시길...
  • 작업을 앉아서 하시는군요...^ ^

    잔차 좋습니다...
  • 저도 5 스팟 (2006) 파랭이 타고 있슴다. Titus Motolite 타보고 싶지만 5 Spot도 좋아여~
    특히 DHX5 Air 뒷샥이 맘에 듭니다.
  • 오.. 레이서 엑스에 이어 추가로 장만하셨나봐요??
  • 파랭이 멋집니다..
    저는 어렵사리 Racer X 파랭이(05모델) 을 구해서 조립하려고 대기 중인데.. Titus 모델이 Mtbr 에서도 좋은 평을 받았던데, 국내에는 타시는 분이 많지 않으신 것 같아서..
    프레임을 어디에서 어떻게 구하셨는지 간단히 쪽지 부탁합니다..
  • ~~~~~안장이 없네요~~~~^^
  • 혼다 시빅 맞죠? 좋타 ㅎ
  • sungchang글쓴이
    2006.7.13 01:55 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    zhchoe and 달따마, thank you. 5 Spot would have been my second choice. I don't think you can go wrong with either Titus or Turner.
  • sungchang글쓴이
    2006.7.13 02:01 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    플러스 - yes, I'm moving from Racer-X to MotoLite. I bought the frame and new shock and I'm moving all the components over. It will be tough to let go of Racer-X as it's such a great bike, but I am starting to ride a little more technical trails and increased travel from 80mm to 140mm will be great.
  • sungchang글쓴이
    2006.7.13 02:05 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    xorlf95, congratulations on Racer-X. Racer-X is a great frame and one of the best out there in my honest opinion. My Racer-X is a 2003 model and designed for 80mm. With more technical terrain, I noticed that I wanted more travel. If I had the 100mm Racer-X, I would not have upgraded to a MotoLite...that's how much I enjoy the Racer-X frame. Yes, it's unfortunate that not too many people know of Titus; however, they are one of the top bikes out there. As for the frame, since I live in the USA, I'm able to get the frame a little easier. Enjoy your Racer-X.
  • sungchang글쓴이
    2006.7.13 02:06 댓글추천 0비추천 0
    zlightsz, yes it's a 2006 Honda Civic LX model. Great car.
  • 레이서-X는 Sungchang님 말씀대로 100mm 트레블용 프레임으로 하셨으면 좀더 재밌게 탈 수 있었을 듯 싶네여~ Titus가 울나라에서도 아는 사람은 좋다는 걸 다 아는데 주로 티탄 + 카본의 Exogrid
    frame이 유명하죠. 근데 가격 압박이 쎄서 총알만 된다면....
  • Sunchang!! Thanks for your comment.. I think that I can enjoy with my racer-X 100.
    However, I have to complete my racer-X first. After I complete my bike, I will post it in this board. Have a nice day..
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