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칼라에 디자인도 좋고 무게는 일반 로터에 1/2인 48g .
이름에 따라 두께나 모양이 조금씩 다르더군요.
과연 제작자가 말한것처럼 일반 스텐로터보다 가볍고도 튼튼할까요?
써보신분들 후기 부탁드려요.
영문 설명
Designed and manufactured in California, USA,
Much more durable and does not rust.
Precision Laser cut from space age 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy.
Special coating Mil-Spec-A-2865 to enhance wear resistance..
Reduce your rotational weight.
Reduce your unsprung wheel weight.
Provides great stopping power.
Great for for weight saving for the rear.
Standard 44mm Bolt Circle Diameter(BCD)-6 Bolts.
Braking surface width of the Tsunami Disc is 18mm
"Tsunami" Disc thickness is 1.97."Tsunami" Disc weight is 48grams
Braking surface width of The Falcon is 20mm.
"Falcon" Disc thickness is 1.80mm."Falcon" Disc weight is 54grams
Will fit many Braking systems with international ISO 160mm Disc Braking systems by Avid, Hope,Shimano, Hayes, etc...
Will not work well with Avid or other mechanical braking systems that have one Disc Pad activated.
Use: general XC for riders up to 185lbs.Not for extreme down hill like the black diamond slopes of Mamoth Lakes.
At higher speed on steep downhill abrupt stopping can create squeaky noise.
Portion of the Sales will support the UCSF team EMC/Documentum.
These Rotors can only used with Organic Brake Pads from Kool Stop for Riders up to185lbs or 82 kilograms weight class.
Durability: 12 to 18 months with Organic Brake pads.
Why pay $64.00 for steel instead of getting these Aircraft Aluninum Wave Rotors that are much lighter and stronger?
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