아래 올린 re-issue zaskar의 생산국이 궁금해서 찾아보았습니다.
보증서에는 location of production : sapa profiles INC (oregon. USA)라고 나와 있네요..
turner, titus, moots프레임도 만드는 건가요..
그리고, re-issue zaskar판매하는 곳에서는 이렇게 설명하네요..
Just like the original the new Zaskar will be hand built in the US, this time from Alcoa tubing, each frame with come with a certificate from the builder and sticks to the original tubing sizes. Which means it's gonna be BIG. It even has the original decals. The onl y difference is the angles, the geometry is more in line with modern hardtails so you can run your five inch forks no problem. Every frame will even come in a specially crafted one off presentation box.
보증서와 박스 정면은 usa, 박스 옆면은 taiwan..
그러나 만드는 사람은 미국인일지도 모르겠습니다..
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