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880 g

mtbiker2007.02.09 22:08조회 수 1210추천 수 1댓글 4

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성능과 가격...모두 끝내주는군요~ㅎ

나머지는 http://www.lewracing.com/index.html 참고하시길...^^

Weight: Tubular Set. (속칭 본드칠을 하는...통 타이어 용)
            both Front and Rear = 880 grams*

Weight: Clincher Set. (타이어와 튜브가 분리된 일반적인 형태)

            both Front and Rear (rim tape not required) = 970 grams* Q2 07'

Size: 700 C

Design: Tubular and Clincher 46mm x 20 mm Low-drag Aerodynamic Section

Spokes: NACA 0029 Low-drag Aerodynamic Section - 16 Front, 20 Rear

Intended use: Road Racing/ Time Trial/ Triathlon

Rider Weight: <= 185lbs (84kg)   <ㅡ 라이더의 체중 제한...ㅡ.ㅜ

Patents Pending

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