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........2003.01.24 19:21조회 수 282댓글 1

    • 글자 크기

If everyone could agree on using the same scale, frame weights would be a no-brainer. Some companies weigh their bikes without shocks, bolts, or hardware, to get artificially low weights. We aren’t going to play that game. Pound-for-pound, no one can match the performance and value and durability of our bikes; and they really are the lightest. Need proof? Weigh our frames next to the competition on the same scale of your choice, and you’ll see—we guarantee it. Weight guarantee: If you find one that is lighter with the same travel and features, send it in with your frame for us to verify on the same scale of our choice. If we’re not lighter, we’ll replace your frame with a lighter one (assuming something is wrong with yours that makes it heavier then it is suppose to be) or we’ll refund your money, at our option.

    • 글자 크기

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