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spy2003.08.15 11:53조회 수 534댓글 3

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When parked up, anyone riding a modern Triumph motorbike runs the risk of being surrounded by sprightly old gents in bowling club caps who make remarks along the lines of: “now that’s a proper bike lad”, “used to have one in 1957 when I was indentured…”

The Rocky Mountain Blizzard, I suspect, will have much the same effect on anyone over the age of 30 who’s ever worn lycra in anger. Handbuilt with double-butted Reynolds 853 chromoly steel, the Blizzard has a British Columbia- influenced sloping top tube, and that ‘ting ting’ bling bling of Good Ol’ Steel…

A true modern classic, the Blizzard is now in its 18th year of production (it’s been in the Rocky Mountain range for almost as long as there’s been a range). The bike still commands healthy sales among those who love the great value of a cracking mid-range steel hardtail and who buy into the ‘if it looks right, it must be right’ school of thought. Apart from the change to Reynolds 853 tubing and disc mounts, the frame still follows the original design.

So, you pretty much know what you’re getting before you ride the Blizzard. It’s not outrageously light, not too stiff and not too flexy. The ride’s smooth but transmits all the data you need to feel what the bike’s doing.

At least, that’s what I’m guessing, because all I have sitting in front of me is a naked frame.

So my first job will be to round up the parts and get my bike moving – I’ll fill you in on my list next month. If you’re out on the trails and see someone going backwards on the climbs, say hello. (I have the perfect excuse for chronic out-of-season fitness though, having been laid up following a motorbike accident that saw me bouncing off various cars and then sliding along the tarmac of the fast lane of the M25 powered entirely by my stored energy….)

As I re-establish some leg muscles, I’ll be aiming to do some classic trails and some longer enduro-style rides, so I’ll be looking at all the usual weight-shaving and performance enhancing upgrades for my trusty Blizzard. RICH

Facts and Figures
Head tube angle: 71º Seat tube angle: 73º
Standover: 30.5 in Top tube length: 19.5 in
(effective) Total frame weight: 3lb

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